[OccupyCU] What's that on the wall?

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Thu Jul 4 22:37:10 UTC 2013

Opposition to the Obama administration is growing apace, for various reasons and from various political directions. 

For all Obama's perhaps overrated rhetorical skills, it does not seem that they will be able to keep up the fiction that he is not working principally for a small minority of the population, whose interests are opposed to those of the rest of us. That should be enough to bring him down (like Johnson, Nixon, and Carter) before long, or at least seriously to curtail his military and economic policies. Obama already recognizes that his murderous campaign against Syria and Iran is in trouble with the only enemy he fears, the US public. And the Snowden affair may turn out to be even more damaging to the administration's war-on-terror pretensions than it may seem.  

We can look for the growth of the demand for serious economic reform - a government-arranged job for anyone who wants one (AKA a guaranteed annual income - pioneered by the Nixon administration and destroyed by the Democratic party). Also for the growth of the popular demand for an end to interventionism - bringing the troops and bases home (pioneered by the Ron Paul campaign and suppressed only with difficulty by the Republican party).  

The administration's frenzied use of the oppressive 1917 Espionage Act (concerned not so much with spying as with repressing criticism of government war policies, then and now) - more than all other administrations combined - is a sign of desperation. They're flailing about, desperate to see that an anti-government movement like that of 40 years ago does not arise. And that was in good economic times.     

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