[OccupyCU] Save books, because you can't save kids from Obama?

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Wed Jul 10 18:28:00 UTC 2013


I yield to none in my love of libraries. Most of my early eduction (which I find myself often reflecting on these days) came from my local public library, located midway (geographically and metaphorically) between me and my elementary and middle schools. And my principal regret about it concerns what it didn't contain - e.g., the complete works of Edgar Rice Burroughs and 'banned' books. 

We live in C-U (and have for a generation) because my wife was dean of UIUC's top-rated library school. My principal conclusion from 40 years of teaching is that undergraduate education should be a great-books program. 

But I do think the outpouring of concern on the matter of the Urbana library may be excessive, and the psychoanalysts suggests that we should ask where excessive affect is coming from. What's being displaced?

In America in the summer of 2013, I don't think it's hard to answer that question. We have a government pursuing devastating military and economic policies that are in the interest of the very few and directly opposed to the interests of the vast majority. And we have a Dear Leader whose job is to cover these sins with smooth names. He's pretty good at it. 

Chris Hedges quotes Melville's narrator: "...when a man suspects any wrong, it sometimes happens that if he be already involved in the matter, he insensibly strives to cover up his suspicions even from himself. And much this way it was with me. I said nothing, and tried to think nothing” <http://www.zcommunications.org/we-are-all-aboard-the-pequod-by-chris-hedges>. That's much easier when we have something else (important!) to think about. 

News from Neptune (which inshallah will resume in September on Urbana Public Television, Fridays at 7pm) is based on the premise that in the US media "either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it’s from Neptune," so I think my job there (and even on this list) is to tell the truth - not to be either optimistic or non-judgmental. 

I will be delighted to hear your further suggestions for appropriate actions beyond "armchair commentary."  I certainly hope it is the case that "the powerful ripple effect that comes from movements such as this ... encourage[s] citizens to claim their rights and to realize (despite all they are told) that they can make a difference in how things go." It does seem to me to be going the other way.  

Regards, Carl

On Jul 10, 2013, at 10:17 AM, "Rickman, Aimee N" <arickman at illinois.edu> wrote:

> Carl,
> I am really troubled by this comment. Do you even know what is going on at the library? 
> Your insinuation that the concerns raised over the situation at the library somehow take energy away from organizing around more important issues is offensive and wrong. People organizing around the library are addressing issues of labor, of power, of transparency, of private control over public spaces, with folks from CU demanding public involvement in the stewarding of this local public institutions.
> Is the library situation as worrisome as the US drone program? As the findings and treatment of Snoden, Manning, or Assange? As the dismantling of the voter right bill? As our continued involvement in the middle east? No. But it is not fair for you to pit this issue against the others and call one more worthy than the other. Those of us organizing around the library are not tunnel-visioned. We can (and do) give our attention to more than one issue at a time. Your comment suggests that the library is being challenged to the detriment of the betterment of other worthy causes. This is not the case. It is not a zero sum game. And it is for you to suggest that this is a displaced witch hunt trivializes what is going on at the library and demeans the powerful ripple effect that comes from movements such as this that encourage citizens to claim their rights and to realize (despite all they are told) that they can make a difference in how things go. 
> Beyond this, your comment is a very familiar cocky discrediting of an effort for not being the "real" or "right" one. Why, Carl? You must see that this is demeaning and offensive and just plain wrong.
> Perhaps you want to learn more about what is going on at UFL? If so, here's a clearinghouse of information: http://reclaimingourlibrary.blogspot.com/
> But I am guessing you are not interested in this. I admired you on News from Neptune, but have grown more than weary of your eternally pessimistic and judgmental armchair commentary on this list. I think you're more than content to be in this space whether the target of your critique is Obama or your activist neighbors. 
> It is unfortunate.
> **************Apologies for any random question marks my system has weirdly added to this email********************
> ________________________________________
> From: OccupyCU [occupycu-bounces at lists.chambana.net] on behalf of C. G. Estabrook [carl at newsfromneptune.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 9:11 AM
> To: peace-discuss at anti-war.net
> Cc: sftalk at yahoogroups.com; occupycu
> Subject: [OccupyCU] Save books, because you can't save kids from Obama?
> Quite remarkable outrage is being displayed by people of progressive disposition in Urbana over the discarding of books from the local library.
> Given IT, such a decision is probably of as little importance as at any time since the invention of printing. But a friend plausibly suggests that the outrage is displaced affect, arising from our seeming inability or unwillingness to stop the all-but-ignored killing by our murderous government - or even to stop our chief magistrate (whom many library protestors voted for) from persecuting those who publish the truth - Snowden, Manning, Assange, et al.
> We choke on a culling gnat and stomach a criminal camel.
> http://www.news-gazette.com/news/local/2013-07-09/updated-urbana-library-seek-early-separation-director.html
> --CGE

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