[OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] Online activism...

Stephen Francis stephenf1113 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 26 15:37:36 UTC 2013

NewsFollowUp.com is really a journal of my own journey to find what I think is the truth about the world.  One of its basic premises is to identify both or possibly many sides of an issue as I can from the best and most credible sources.  Just because I post some 'holocaust revisionist' videos, doesn't necessarily mean that I agree with them.  In the case of the revisionist videos I did post, I do believe there is evidence that is worth more investigation.  
I've uncovered what I believe is massive intimidation on the part of Zionist organizations like AIPAC, ADL... etc. (There is also massive evidence of blackmail and false flag attacks by more underground Zionist organizations.)  I'm not intimidated at all by their tactics of accusing me of antisemitism.  I'm thoroughly convinced that Zionists have hijacked the Jewish faith for their own purposes.  There is a vibrant anti-Zionist movement in Israel which I admire.
There needs to be an event created in C-U that will identify the Zionists who I believe are more interested in advancing the cause of Zionism rather than that of social justice.  I propose an event centered around 9/11 Truth.  We can then tell who is who and what are their real motives.  

 From: David Gehrig <david-cu at nukulele.org>
To: Chris Goodrow <c_goodrow at hotmail.com> 
Cc: Stephen Francis <stephenf1113 at yahoo.com>; Peace-discuss List <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> 
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: [OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] Online activism...

Re Stephen and antisemitism, I think you're probably right. Organizations like the Institute for Historical Review exist for two reasons -- to firm up the antisemitism of antisemites, but also to fool fools. (Hence, for example, the intentionally anodyne, pseudo-academic name.) As I said, Stephen is apparently the kind of supremely uncritical reader they pray for, willing to carry their neo-fascist, antisemitic payload into venues the bootbs usually don't reach -- like Occupy CU. 

The question now is, now that he knows he's spreading neo-Nazi propaganda, will he stop? Will he remove the Holocaust denial page from his site, or will he find a pretext to keep it there, in all its bootboy glory?


On Jul 25, 2013, at 9:27 PM, Chris Goodrow <c_goodrow at hotmail.com> wrote:

>"In other words, yes, it's theoretically possible to be an "honest" Holocaust denier, until that moment when you start to look honestly at the actual evidence. Needless to say, you lose that excuse when you publish half a dozen Holocaust denial videos on your website."
>I think the key word there is "evidence". As you said, look at his sources. If this is where he's getting his "evidence", then perhaps from our point of view, it is anything but. In Stephens defense, I would say he's more guilty of selective "research" than anti-semitism.
>Chris Goodrow
>(217) 898-5039
>CC: stephenf1113 at yahoo.com; peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
>From: david-cu at nukulele.org
>Subject: Re: [OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] Online activism...
>Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 21:21:00 -0500
>To: c_goodrow at hotmail.com
>I have again removed Occupy CU from the reply list, as it's not a discussion list.
>When I talk about Holocaust denial, I mean a forty-year-long thread which can be traced through every major antisemitic movement in that time. It's possible that one has decided, innocently and independently, to wonder whether or not there were gas chambers at Auschwitz. But the historical evidence is quite clear that there was, and honest research will quickly show that. What's more, the historical evidence is quite clear that those few who say otherwise -- the Zündels and the David Irvings -- are linked with antisemitic organizations, and have been caught in antisemitic lie after antisemitic lie after antisemitic lie.
>For example, Stephen quotes a guy named Walter Sanning. Sanning's book was published by the "Institute for Historical Review." Look them up in Wikipedia. Look up its founders, David McCalden (another National Front guy) and WIllis Carto, who founded a veritable stream of racist organizations. Look up Mark Weber, the guy who used to run it, and his history with the white-supremacist periodical "National Vanguard." Did Stephen know any of that? Most likely not. Did he look it up? Most likely not. Did he instead just grab the source uncritically and run with it? You saw it before your own eyes. Stephen is Holocaust deniers' favorite kind of reader. They pray for guys like Stephen.
>In other words, yes, it's theoretically possible to be an "honest" Holocaust denier, until that moment when you start to look honestly at the actual evidence. Needless to say, you lose that excuse when you publish half a dozen Holocaust denial videos on your website.
>On top of that, there's the question of -- what happened to the missing Jews? Suppose five million of the six million Jews had actually snuck out a secret back gate at Auschwitz and Majdanek and the Aktion Reinhard camps. Where did they go? When people like Verrall and McCalden were originally writing, and blaming the "Holohoax" on the "Judeobolshevists," the Soviet Union was still up and running, and Holocaust deniers would say that the Soviets pulled off a mass resettlement and all the evidence is sealed behind the Iron Curtain. Well, the archives have been opened for decades, and no hints anywhere of a resettlement of five million Jews, all of them sworn so perfectly to secrecy that even all their grandchildren don't say a word.
>Before WWII there were only twenty or so million Jews in the world. It is inevitably and inescapably antisemitic to assume it's possible that one quarter of them, one out of every four Jews in the world, went a-hiding for decade after decade, secretly and perfectly, as part of an international fraud of the type that would make a Bond villain blanch. Now, if you're an antisemite to start with, this sort of thing just "proves you were right" about just how unlimited is the Jewish power of deception.
>On Jul 25, 2013, at 8:49 PM, Chris Goodrow <c_goodrow at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>I would love to see some sort of documentation supporting the assertion that 30% of the world's population is convinced that Zionists murdered 3000 people on 9/11. Also, I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, but most holocaust deniers do not like that term and prefer to be called holocaust revisionists. Semantics? I don't know. It does seem that many of who you reference on your page are people who are considered holocaust deniers.
>>David Gehrig:
>>I don't know that I necessarily agree that a holocaust denier (revisionist) is anti-semitic. I mean, having a distorted view of history and being wrong about it does not necessarily mean that you hate or have a prejudice against Jewish people. While I would agree that anti-semitics are more likely to be holocaust deniers, I don't think that equates to all holocaust deniers being anti-semitic.
>>Chris Goodrow
>>(217) 898-5039
>>Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 11:57:52 -0700
>>From: stephenf1113 at yahoo.com
>>To: david-cu at nukulele.org
>>CC: Peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net; occupyCU at lists.chambana.net
>>Subject: Re: [OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] Online activism...
>>It can easily be proven that Zionist's murdered 3000 people on 9/11.  Thirty percent of the world's population is convinced of this.  The tide is turning.  I'm not antisemitic.  I'm anti Zionist. and also not a holocaust denier, but a holocaust revisionist.  The world also is waking up to the fact that the Zionists have used the holocaust to advance their politically and financial ends like no others in the history of the world.  Their have been countless genocides and only the Zionists use for gain.... Period.
>> From: David Gehrig <david-cu at nukulele.org>
>>To: Stephen Francis <stephenf1113 at yahoo.com> 
>>Cc: ocCUpy <occupyCU at lists.chambana.net>; Peace-discuss List <Peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> 
>>Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 11:41 AM
>>Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] Online activism...
>>I see your News Follow-Up site still says that "the Holocaust is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind" and still links to videos from the world's leading Holocaust deniers.
>>Which is to say, you still have an overtly antisemitic site. 
>>On Jul 25, 2013, at 9:19 AM, Stephen
 Francis <stephenf1113 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Hello all.  This post concerns the issue of whether spending a lot of time posting things on Facebook or local discussion lists is a productive thing to do in the world of social justice and activism.
>>>Yesterday (July 24th)a staffer at the Facebook page 'Prepare to Take America Back' made a link to a page of my website NewsFollowUp.com http://www.newsfollowup.com/obama_body_count_obama_death_list_re-election_cia_gay.htm concerning a list that is known as the Obama Body Count...etc.  The link garnered 121 shares and 174 likes in just a few hours (see http://www.newsfollowup.com/facebook.html.)  This is quite difficult to do as you all know on Facebook.  Prepare to Take America Back is a right wing conservative page that I actually don't like, but at this point any credible political attack from either side of the isle on Obama is needed.  As Jimmy Carter recently put it: "We know longer have a functioning democracy". Anyway, Prepare to Take America Back Facebook has about 120,000 likes and 216,000 people 'talking about this'.  This is nationally substantial.  It is very encouraging to me that my work is seen by people in these numbers. 
>>>NewsFollowUp.com http://www.newsfollowup.com/index.html enjoys about 50,000 to 100,000 page views per month and about 10% of  NFU viewers spend almost 600 hours per month on the site..  But this is nothing compared to the 20 million or so per month that Fox News has.  ...but...  from what I can tell, the average Facebook post gets one or two likes/shares per post if any at all.  I (Facebook name Occupy Occupy) have about 4700 Facebook friends and 516 people who 'follow' me and occasionally my posts will get shared a dozen times or so but usually not and many times no shares or likes.  Even someone like the nationally known activist Cindy Sheehan only has a couple of dozen shares and maybe 50-100 likes each on her posts.  My point here is that ... is it worth it to be spending hours and hours online posting remarks that only a few people see?  I think yes is the answer, but only in the context of you being in a sea of protesters doing the
 same thing.  Individually it is pretty pathetic, but social media on a world wide basis has made a huge difference... ie Egypt, Tunisia...etc.
>>>As you can see from the front page of http://www.newsfollowup.com/index.html my focus is on 9/11 Truth.  I just believe that this is the most important issue in modern times.  It is the 'head of the snake'.  There is mountains of proof that the Cheneys/Bushes/Zionists of the world murdered 3000 people on 9/11 which has ushered in the Patriot Act/NSA/TSA... etc.  2000 engineers and architects of the website http://www.ae911truth.org/ Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth professional prove that 3 WTC towers were demolished with explosives.  We need to put these people in jail.  Working on anything else is important but doesn't threaten them in any way.... they just keep on doing what they do.
>>>Anyway, I'm done.  Thanks for listening.
>>>Steve Francis
>>>Peace-discuss mailing list
>>>Peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
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