[OccupyCU] 4th of July - AWARE float (or sink?)

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Sun Jun 16 20:32:59 UTC 2013

Obama has chosen to prosecute a widening war at least as viciously (and unconstitutionally) as his predecessor - or as Nixon in SE Asia. 

How can we exculpate him and still say we oppose the war? No one made him kill all those people.


"Let me tell you what I felt - and maybe some of the rest of you felt - when I saw the pictures of the Bush library dedication. There was a group of men standing there, former presidents, the ones that are alive. Every one of them is a major criminal. A major criminal. Obama is continuing the grand tradition — that shouldn’t be a great surprise. 

"The sentence that came to my mind at the time is from Thomas Jefferson, who said, 'I tremble for my country when I think that God is just, and some day will bring us to his judgment.'" [Noam Chomsky]

On Jun 16, 2013, at 1:17 PM, "Szoke, Ronald Duane" <r-szoke at illinois.edu> wrote:

> Wish there were some way to relate our war & racism concerns more directly to the parade's official themes.  I'll walk for whatever theme or slogan is chosen, but hoping it will not be merely the hundredth or thousandth instance of pounding on the demon Obama.  Will probably be at Bloomsday event today around time of the AWARE meeting.
> -- Ron   

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