[OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] 4th of July - AWARE float (or sink?)

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Tue Jun 18 01:40:48 UTC 2013

Recent revelations about cannibalism in Jamestown may be relevant.

On Jun 17, 2013, at 7:47 PM, "E. Wayne Johnson 朱稳森" <ewj at pigsqq.org> wrote:

> Gack.
> Jonestown not Jamestown.
> On 06/18/13 8:44, "E. Wayne Johnson 朱稳森" wrote:
>> It's said rightly that truth is stranger than fiction
>> but "surreal is stranger yet".
>> The whole Obama thing is like watching some bizarre
>> science fiction screenplay.  There was this episode of
>> Star Trek where they got infected with some meme or
>> the other that made them "groovy".  Somehow Capt. Kirk
>> threw off the infection and got the antidote (anger) to the others.
>> It's not just a prionic nanobot invasion of thought. There's
>> an external manifestation, a change in appearance of the
>> afflicted.  The glassy eyes are open and doelike,
>> and wide apart and slightly bulging.  It's the expression
>> of obsessive thralldom.  The 漫画 (manhua, manga) style
>> cartoonist put multiple accessory pupils in large rounded
>> eyes to portray this appearance.  It's the look of
>> mindless unquestioning unreasoned obsessive
>> submissive limerant infatuation.
>> One might surmise that serotonin levels are elevated
>> but this has not been checked in the field as far as I know.
>> There is variable susceptibility in the population.
>> Perhaps it is genetic with a complex inheritance, but it
>> is also possible that the permissiveness that leads to this captivation
>> is socially conditioned in some manner
>> Regardless of the underlying weakness that leads to the
>> individual being consumed by this malady, treatment seems
>> difficult and there are many resistant cases.  Apparently
>> many of those afflicted derive some perceived benefit from the
>> paradaemonic association.  Others embarrassed by their folly
>> seem to feign allegiance rather than risk exposure.
>> Exposure to the truth in massive doses has led a few to
>> complete or near complete recovery, but in others there is a violent reaction
>> to the truth characterised by incoherent vocalisations, fits
>> of incomplete anger, and separation from the dissonant source.
>> A total meltdown of anger actually might be purgative, cleansing,
>> and maybe even curative, but anger is so revolting to those so
>> afflicted that it is difficult to induce treatment.
>> It's also something like seeing all those
>> swollen carcasses with their really
>> tight fitting jeans lying on the ground in Jamestown.
>> And that will be the sad but true end for many of the Obamites.
>> On 06/18/13 4:53, C. G. Estabrook wrote:
>>> Why isn't that (a) goal here?
>>> It certainly was in 1968 and 1973.
>>> Impeachment and removal of a president for high crimes and misdemeanors (or resignation in fear of impeachment, like Nixon) is the mechanism that the Constitution provides to curb executive criminality. The idea is that a successor will not repeat the crimes.
>>> If Obama is driven from office for murder and torture, even Joe Biden is smart enough to see that the same thing could be done to him.
>>> In 1968, when Lyndon Johnson was driven from office by the rising opposition to a foreign war (about 70%, roughly what it is now), Nixon saw that he had to run as a "peace candidate." He was elected (barely) after announcing that he had "a secret plan to end the Vietnam war."
>>> Of course, we know now that he was lying about being a peace candidate (like Obama) and widened the war (like Obama) once he was in office.
>>> In "The Audacity of Hope" (2006 - significantly subtitled "Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream"), Obama wrote that the "greatest causality" of the Vietnam war was "the loss of trust in the government by the people." (One would have thought that it might have been 4 million dead Asians and tens of thousands of dead Americans, but Obama had other priorities.) His method of restoring that trust was to be an effective liar - the "more effective evil," as Glen Ford said - and, like Nixon, convince people that he was going to end the war.
>>> The remarkable thing is that people still believe he is ending the war, when he's widening it. The media have a lot to answer for here, of course, but - as the CIA pointed out in 2008 - Obama is the more effective liar. ("Recall the 2008 CIA report fretting about growing anti-war sentiment in western Europe and concluding that the best weapon to safeguard against its continuation would be the election of Obama. That's because, the CIA presciently realized, Obama's election would massively increase public support for US wars because it would be a kind, sophisticated, progressive constitutional scholar rather than a swaggering, evangelical Texas cowboy who would be the face of them. Add to all that the Nixon-to-China dynamic - just as only a conservative president could have established relations with the Chinese Communists, arguably only a Democratic president could start a new war in the Muslim world, cut Social Security, etc." --Glenn Greenwald)
>>> Don't you think people should be made aware of what he's doing, in order to stop him from doing it?  I think that should be our goal. --CGE
>>> On Jun 17, 2013, at 3:12 PM, Karen Aram<karenaram at hotmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> Right, and thats not our goal here, we know his successor wouldn't do any different because its not the individual but the system/their plan.
>>>> Anyway, it gets the point across.
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] [OccupyCU] 4th of July - AWARE float (or sink?)
>>>>> From: carl at newsfromneptune.com
>>>>> Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 12:12:55 -0500
>>>>> CC: peace-discuss at anti-war.net; thenewmoon37 at yahoo.com; m-taber at illinois.edu; occupycu at lists.chambana.net; r-szoke at illinois.edu
>>>>> To: karenaram at hotmail.com
>>>>> It's already turned up in some places as
>>>>> "Hey, Obama, hey
>>>>> How many kids
>>>>> Did you kill today?"
>>>>> and
>>>>> "B-A-R
>>>>> A-C-K
>>>>> How many kids
>>>>> Did you kill today?"
>>>>> Of course, the point of driving a president from office for his crimes would be to instruct his successor to avoid those crimes.
>>>>> --CGE
>>>>> On Jun 17, 2013, at 10:59 AM, Karen Aram<karenaram at hotmail.com>  wrote:
>>>>>> Carl
>>>>>> Nope, that was a good one. It made the point, it addressed him and evidently discouraged him from running for re-election, or so they say.
>>>>>> We're not in DC, what do you suggest for Champaign, Il, that rymes with "Obama"?
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] [OccupyCU] 4th of July - AWARE float (or sink?)
>>>>>>> From: carl at newsfromneptune.com
>>>>>>> Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 08:58:20 -0500
>>>>>>> CC: peace-discuss at anti-war.net; thenewmoon37 at yahoo.com; m-taber at illinois.edu; occupycu at lists.chambana.net; r-szoke at illinois.edu
>>>>>>> To: karenaram at hotmail.com
>>>>>>> Karen--
>>>>>>> On that basis, would you say that the use of the anti-Veitnam War chant,
>>>>>>> "Hey, hey, LBJ / How many kids did you kill today?"
>>>>>>> was a mistake, forty-five years ago?
>>>>>>> It seems to me, on the contrary, that it pointed out to a yet unknowing world, just what the then US president was presiding over.
>>>>>>> --CGE
>>>>>>> On Jun 17, 2013, at 7:24 AM, Karen Aram<karenaram at hotmail.com>  wrote:
>>>>>>>> Carl
>>>>>>>> I agree with you that there is no need to remove Obama's name from the current US Wars. We call on "him" to close Guantanamo, we sign petitions to him to stop the wars and killings, yes, he has final say. However I do believe as I did in the 60's&  70's that the signs and statements making jest or villianizing individuals is trivializing what is a joint effort in respect to US government foreign policy, precisely because we don't have a King. My years in Thailand have not made me fearful of lese majeste in the US.
>>>>>>>> I in no way wish to "censor", only look at the goals AWARE is attempting to achieve.
>>>>>>>> I admire and respect what you have been doing as an individual and as a group.
>>>>>>>> Karen Aram
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [OccupyCU] 4th of July - AWARE float (or sink?)
>>>>>>>>> From: carl at newsfromneptune.com
>>>>>>>>> Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 19:58:57 -0500
>>>>>>>>> CC: r-szoke at illinois.edu; rohnkoester at gmail.com; peace-discuss at anti-war.net; thenewmoon37 at yahoo.com; m-taber at illinois.edu;occupycu at lists.chambana.net
>>>>>>>>> To: karenaram at hotmail.com
>>>>>>>>> I'm constantly surprised by the tendency of opponents of today's US war to remove Obama's name from it.
>>>>>>>>> Nothing similar occurred in regard to Reagan's wars of the 1980s, or Nixon's of the 1970s (or Germany's of the 1940s).
>>>>>>>>> I'm coming to think that we're dealing with what the psychoanalysts call "identification with the aggressor" - what abused spouses or children apparently sometimes do, in excusing the crimes of the abusers. ("He didn't really want to do it"/ "He's promised he'll do better"/etc. - cf. the reactions to Obama's National Defense University speech.)
>>>>>>>>> We're so horrified by all those dead children lying on hillsides in Pakistan, and Obama's relentless expansion of a war that he was clearly elected to end, that we make up an explanation in which things are not as bad as they clearly are.
>>>>>>>>> But not telling the truth is not the way to build opposition to the administration's murderous policies.
>>>>>>>>> --CGE
>>>>>>>>> On Jun 16, 2013, at 4:21 PM, Karen Aram<karenaram at hotmail.com>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Can we focus on the anti-war and the unconstitutionality of it all, without naming individuals?
>>>>>>>>>> I know its frustrating that so many democrats still have their head in the sands, blaming all our ills on the republicans, but targeting Obama, appears to many as teaparty rhetoric, thus in the name of winning hearts and minds can we just refer to the US Govt. in general?
>>>>>>>>>> I'm heading over to the White Horse Inn for the meeting, on the assumption that there will be a meeting.
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [OccupyCU] 4th of July - AWARE float (or sink?)
>>>>>>>>>>> From: carl at newsfromneptune.com
>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 15:32:59 -0500
>>>>>>>>>>> CC: rohnkoester at gmail.com; karenaram at hotmail.com; peace-discuss at anti-war.net; thenewmoon37 at yahoo.com; m-taber at illinois.edu;occupycu at lists.chambana.net
>>>>>>>>>>> To: r-szoke at illinois.edu
>>>>>>>>>>> Obama has chosen to prosecute a widening war at least as viciously (and unconstitutionally) as his predecessor - or as Nixon in SE Asia.
>>>>>>>>>>> How can we exculpate him and still say we oppose the war? No one made him kill all those people.
>>>>>>>>>>> --CGE
>>>>>>>>>>> "Let me tell you what I felt - and maybe some of the rest of you felt - when I saw the pictures of the Bush library dedication. There was a group of men standing there, former presidents, the ones that are alive. Every one of them is a major criminal. A major criminal. Obama is continuing the grand tradition — that shouldn’t be a great surprise.
>>>>>>>>>>> "The sentence that came to my mind at the time is from Thomas Jefferson, who said, 'I tremble for my country when I think that God is just, and some day will bring us to his judgment.'" [Noam Chomsky]
>>>>>>>>>>> On Jun 16, 2013, at 1:17 PM, "Szoke, Ronald Duane"<r-szoke at illinois.edu>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Wish there were some way to relate our war&  racism concerns more directly to the parade's official themes. I'll walk for whatever theme or slogan is chosen, but hoping it will not be merely the hundredth or thousandth instance of pounding on the demon Obama. Will probably be at Bloomsday event today around time of the AWARE meeting.
>>>>>>>>>>>> -- Ron
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