[OccupyCU] Hugo Chavez

David Johnson davidjohnson1451 at comcast.net
Wed Mar 6 01:02:52 UTC 2013


  John Reimann posted a photo to Workers International Network's timeline.
  I note that Hugo Chavez died today -- the same date that Rosa Luxembourg was born . 
  b.. In 2005 I visited Venezuela for two weeks. I was never in a country where the national leader was as popular as was Chavez. I was also never in a country where so many people were so filled with the belief that they could make their society better. Chavez deserves respect if for nothing else than that. But there was more:

  Under Chavez illiteracy was all but eliminated. He also established a series of special, low cost food stores for the poor. It is also no accident that under Chavez there was a resurgent labor movement and the workers broke with their old, corrupt and corporate-controlled union federation.
  As to the cause of Chavez's death: I doubt we'll ever really know for sure. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he was poisoned, as is almost certainly the case for Arafat. Whatever the cause, his role said a lot about the time we are living in and there are many, many Venezuelans whose life is better as a result of his policies.
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