[OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] On Holocaust Remembrance Day: A call to stop falsely accusing activists of anti-Semitism

ya'aQov yaaqovz at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 10:50:38 EDT 2014

So you CGE chose to leave out from Chomsky's talk his opposition to
BDS and his lack of support to boycotting Israeli Universities, using
Chomsky as a hiding place for your pathological obsessions.

The Holocaust Remembrance Day addresses people all over the world,
including those who sacrificed their safety in order to rescue Jews,
or those who struggled against Nazi's persecution of Jews.  In Israel,
today is also a day for the remembrance of the gay people who died on
the Holocaust.

Finkelstein's points were well and timely articulated and taken.  Yet
you CGE could have waited a few days, before expressing your
pathology, your Palestinian Menstruation Syndrome to David Green.

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