[OccupyCU] housing in April for out-of-state med students

Susan Parenti sparenti at illinois.edu
Tue Jan 21 17:01:26 UTC 2014

Hi friends---This April in C-U we're giving a 4-week course called "Construct Your Humanism', in relation to Patch Adams and the School for Designing a Society. 

We're looking for housing for 10 medical students who will be coming from out-of-state, out-of-country, to study this most needed topic. These will be great people to have around. 

We'd prefer to house them altogether, so are looking for a house/houses that might be rentable for one month. 

Do you know of such a thing?

We would also consider housing the students in smaller arrangements. 

We are willing to put elbow grease in the housing, and can pay an adequate rent for them. 

Thank you!

Susan Parenti, Mark Enslin, Melanie Meltzer

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