[OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] Protest Israel's invasion of Gaza / US responsibility

C. G. Estabrook via OccupyCU occupycu at lists.chambana.net
Sat Jul 19 12:02:52 EDT 2014

If Israel did not exist, the US government would still be killing people in the Mideast to control "the world's greatest material prize" (as the U.S. State department said in 1945, when Israel didn't exist)  - Mideast gas and oil.  

Control of world oil flows gives the US an unparalleled advantage over its economic rivals in Europe and Asia.

9/11 was a counter-attack to US imperialism in the Mideast, as the perpetrators said, and American imperialist outrages were at least two generations old at the time. 

Had 9/11 not occurred, the US depredations in the Mideast in the Bush-Obama years would not have been much different, because they were not a result of the unconscionable 9/11 attacks, but rather the continuation of consistent US foreign policy for more than 50 years.

The USG is careful to promote "radical Islamicists" as the enemy, not Islam as a whole, because one of its two principal client states in the Mideast is the world's most reactionary Islamic state, Saudi Arabia - the world's leading oil-producer (after the US itself).

As Americans, and as citizens of "the greatest perpetrator of violence in the world today" (M. L. King), we should take responsibility for the crimes that we've allowed our government to commit, at the behest of the 1%, for their world economic control. (See <http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Memo_PPS23_by_George_Kennan>.)

On Jul 19, 2014, at 10:16 AM, Stephen Francis via OccupyCU <occupycu at lists.chambana.net> wrote:

> Nice Israel gatekeeping CGE.
> Clinton/Allbright and friends made a good start on the 'war on terror', but it took 9/11 to make it a global phenomena game-changer.
> Israel's (and Neocon's) role in 9/11 is crucial in the world's transition to a focus on Islamophobia rather than the Cold War and the breakup of the Soviet Union.
> 9/11 Truth is about action and real change with real prosecutable charges.  Diminishing the role of Israel / Neocons role in 9/11 is non-action lip service (gatekeeping)
> George W. Bush — eldest son of Bush crime family; guilty of election fraud in 2000, 2004; guilty of war crimes, war profiteering, treason, crimes against humanity; likely signed-off on 9-11 plot.

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