[OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] Protest Israel's invasion of Gaza plus

Brussel, Morton K via OccupyCU occupycu at lists.chambana.net
Sat Jul 19 12:50:48 EDT 2014

An excellent set of comments,David.

 I recently finished reading Erik Larsen's, In the Garden of Beasts. It  describes what was occurring in Germany in  1933 under Adolf Hitler. It recounts the experience and observations of the American ambassador, William Dodd, and his family in Germany, . What was happening to the Jews in that year and those following have an striking erie relevence to the grusome expériences of Palestinians under the Israeli government and its Jewish population (abetted by U.S. policies).  The idealism which David experienced in growing up in the Jewisn community has been sucked dry by the broad Jewish community today, not only hère, but in Europe generally.

Happily, there are exemplary exceptions, David for example, but not enough. Their voices do not get through to the broad U.S. community, except here and there as with David’s letter to the N-G. Such letters to the NY, WP, CNN,… have scant chance of appearing.


On Jul 19, 2014, at 11:02 AM, David Green via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net<mailto:peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>> wrote:

My editorial contribution to the NG goes as follows:

This is in response to Charles Krauthammer’s “People are used to shield Gaza weapons,” (July 18), and the most recent violent symptoms of oppression and struggle in Israeli-occupied Palestine.

There was a time when such a scurrilous column would have provoked my outrage. It is no different in spirit than an attack that Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, might have made on the Jewish uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II. What occurs in Gaza and on the West Bank are—violent or non-violent—acts of resistance against Israel’s concerted effort since 1967 to eliminate the possibility of Palestinians acquiring rights that we take largely for granted. Krauthammer responds to Palestinian aspirations by essentially defining them as sub-human.

Yet most readers—especially Jews—now see Krauthammer’s virulence for what it is, in terms of the Fox News agenda. The next steps are for Jews to understand that Jewish nationalism, embodied in Israel’s behavior, contradicts the universal respect for human rights that most believe is at the core of our beliefs; and for Americans to understand that our government’s crucial support for Israeli hyper-militarism and its depravities is consistent with violent U.S. global hegemony.

Jewish children of my age grew up in an idealistic political environment of the black struggle for civil rights. They now grow up in a toxic environment that rationalizes the killing of Palestinian children. But that is being challenged by voices that invoke the examples of biblical prophets and their challenges to illegitimate political authority.

On Saturday, July 19, 2014 9:47 AM, Carl G. Estabrook via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net<mailto:peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>> wrote:

On Jul 18, 2014, at 9:17 PM, Karen Aram via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net<mailto:peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>> wrote:

This Sunday, between 2:00pm to 4:00pm at our usual spot Neil and Church St, downtown Champaign.
AWARE will provide signs. Hope you all can make it.

I've sent the following missive. --CGE

Editor, Champaign-Ubana News Gazette:

Who is responsible  for the Israeli military assault on Gaza? Many can be blamed for  Israel’s committing what the Nuremberg Tribunal called “the supreme international crime - launching aggressive war” - but the final responsibility lies with the American President.

Without the support - economic, military, political, and diplomatic - that the US government provides, Israel’s crimes would not be possible.

But the US does not provide this support because of undue influence from the  government of Israel or the Israel lobby. The US government supports Israel - and its oppression of Palestinians - because Israel is America’s “stationary aircraft carrier” in the Mideast.

Most Americans think of US war in the Mideast as beginning after 9/11/2001, with the American invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, but in fact our government has been killing people in the Mideast since the Second World War to secure control of what the US State Department called then “the world’s greatest material prize,” Mideast gas and oil.

The US government demands not just access to Mideast energy resources but control of them, because a strangle-hold over world energy flows gives the US the advantage over its economic rivals in Europe and Asia, notably Germany and China.

Obama fails to stop the killing - as he could, with a word - because it’s been the policy of all US administrations for two generations to allow the Israelis to continue their oppression of the Palestinians so long as Israel supports and participates in the crimes of its US master.

--C. G. Estabrook


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