[OccupyCU] Remarks at Rally for Gaza, 7/25

Carl G. Estabrook via OccupyCU occupycu at lists.chambana.net
Fri Jul 25 19:16:42 EDT 2014

I appreciate being asked to speak at the Gaza Protest today, as a representative of AWARE.

My remarks were as follows:

[1.] We must ask, Who is responsible for the Israeli military assault on Gaza? Many people can be blamed for Israel’s committing what the Nuremberg Tribunal called “the supreme international crime - launching aggressive war” - but the final responsibility lies with the President of the United State.
[2.] Without the support - economic, military, political, and diplomatic - that the US government provides, Israel’s crimes would not be possible. 
[3.] But the US does not provide this support because of undue influence from the government of Israel or the Israel lobby, as some people argue. The US government supports Israel - and its oppression of Palestinians - because Israel is America’s “stationary aircraft carrier” in the Mideast. 
[4.] Most Americans think of US war in the Mideast as beginning after 9/11/2001, with the American invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, but in fact our government has been killing people in the Mideast since the Second World War to secure control of what the US State Department called then “the world’s greatest material prize,” Mideast gas/oil. 
[5.] The US government demands not just access to Mideast energy resources but control of them, because a strangle-hold over world energy flows gives the US the advantage over its economic rivals in Europe and Asia, notably Russia and China.
[6.] Obama could stop the killing in Gaza with a word. President Eisenhower did it in 1956, when Israel was far less dependent on the US than it is today. But Obama refuses to stop the killing, because it’s been the policy of all US administrations for two generations to allow the Israelis to continue their oppression of the Palestinians so long as Israel supports and participates in American imperial control in the Mideast.
[7.] We Americans, appalled at the dead children whom Israel has killed in Gaza, should direct our protest at the child-killer in the White House. Obama has killed 5,000 people with drones alone (200 of them children). He and his Israeli clients must be made to stop.


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