[OccupyCU] Progressive Fest 3 this Sat - Getting Out The Progressive Vote

C. G. Estabrook via OccupyCU occupycu at lists.chambana.net
Wed Jul 30 14:04:45 EDT 2014

How can anyone regard the Democrats in state or national office as "progressive"?

From support for mass murder by Ukraine and Israel to the refusal adequately to fund social supports in Illinois by adequately taxing the rich, the Democrats have shown that they're working for the interests of the 1% - and therefore against the directly opposed interests of the majority. 

It's nothing short of a crime against the community at home and abroad to "Get Out the Progressive Vote" for Democrats. As Glen Ford eloquently pointed out, they are not the lesser evil but the more effective evil: <http://www.blackagendareport.com/print/content/why-barack-obama-more-effective-evil>.

--C. G. Estabrook

On Jul 30, 2014, at 12:33 PM, Aaron Johnson-Ortiz, GEO & Progressive Fest <aaron at uigeo.org> wrote:

> C. G.,
> The November election is coming up and the stakes could not be any higher.  Republican Candidate for Governor Bruce Rauner, who earns $25,000 an hour and who has proposed cutting the state minimum wage , has been ahead in the polls by an average of 9 points since January*, and he is running on an anti-union platform similar to that of Scott Walker in Wisconsin.
> This Saturday we are holding an event for community groups, unions, and student organizations for us to work together and strategize on how to register new voters and make sure to turn out irregular voters.
> Are you able to come?  please let me know by replying to this email , or RSVP on facebook .   Details:
> Progressive Fest 3: Getting Out The Progressive Vote
> Saturday, August 2, 2:30 - 5:30PM
> Champaign Public Library, Robeson Rooms A&B
> This event is non-partisan: we will not be telling people to vote for a particular candidate or party.  However, we will be making commitments about voter registration targets, and discussing how to talk to our members and the public about the issues that matter to us.  This will allow members of non-partisan organizations to join us, as well as those who are part of a partisan organization.
> Will you come?  Please let me know if you can.
> In addition to union rights and workers issues, we will be talking about immigrant rights, reducing mass incarceration, increasing environmental protections, LGBTQ rights, women’s reproductive rights,  and other key issues.
> Please also forward this to your friends and allies.  The agenda is below.
> in Solidarity,
> --aaron
> Aaron Johnson-Ortiz
> GEO Staff Organizer
> Graduate Employee's Organization
> IFT/AFT 6300
> www.uigeo.org
> 217-344-8283
> What is Progressive Fest?
> Progressive Fest is an event for all sorts of progressive organizations and individuals, including community organizations, unions, faith-based organizations, student groups, environmental activists, etc.  Each Progressive Fest is hosted by a different local organization, but it is open to any and all groups.  Progressive Fest is a non-partisan informal network of progressive organizations in the Champaign-Urbana area and its surroundings.  Some of the organizations that participate are partisan, other are not.  “Progressive Fest 3: Getting Out The Progressive Vote” is hosted by Central Illinois Progressive Democrats of America.
> FLIER (feel free to print and distribute):
> * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois_gubernatorial_election,_2014  and http://www.buzzfeed.com/iftaft/who-is-the-real-bruce-rauner-the-top-10-things-yo-ji42
> Progressive Fest
> for more info about PF, please contact Aaron Johnson-Ortiz at 1001 S Wright St, Champaign, IL
> Unsubscribe

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