[OccupyCU] Chris Hedges, Cornel West, Richard D. Wolff Respond to What Is To Be Done?

David Johnson davidjohnson1451 at comcast.net
Sun Jun 8 14:47:54 EDT 2014

    Chris Hedges, Cornel West, Richard D. Wolff Respond to Thomas
    Paine's Question: What Is To Be Done? by Jill Dalton

Posted on June 5, 2014 by dandelionsalad
Cornel West, Chris Hedges, Richard D. Wolff: The Anatomy of Revolution: 
Thomas Paine by Jill Dalton

Cornel West, Chris Hedges, Richard D. Wolff photo by Jill Dalton

by Jill Dalton <http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/tag/jill-dalton/>
Writer, Dandelion Salad 
June 5, 2014

/A Report from the Left Forum (6-1-14) with: Chris Hedges, Dr. Cornel 
West, and Richard Wolff/

/Moderated by: Laura Flanders/

This seminar was part of the Left Forum's three day symposium, Reform 
and/or Revolution: Imagining a World with Transformative Justice, held 
at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City (May 30 -- 
June 1). The turn out at this conference was their largest to date, 
which I consider a very good sign.

Chris Hedges <http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/tag/chris-hedges/>, 
Dr. Cornel West <http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/tag/cornel-west/> 
and Richard Wolff 
<http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/tag/richard-d-wolff/> began a 
ten-part series starting with, according to Chris Hedges, America's only 
real revolutionist, Thomas Paine. In Paine's three great works, /Common 
Sense/, /The Rights of Man/ and /The Age of Reason/, he laid down the 
foundations by which rebellion is morally and legally permissible. With 
the rise of the corporate state, they ask whether the conditions set by 
Paine have been met, and if Paine's call to overthrow British tyranny 
should be our own.

I'd been warned via email the event would be crowded, so I arrived 
forty-five minutes early to procure a good seat, and after a few minutes 
of inquiring who was saving or sitting in which empty seat, managed to 
procure myself a seat in the front row. As predicted, the lecture hall 
filled to overflowing, and the overflow was directed to another room 
where the proceedings were live streamed.

In Laura Flanders' opening remarks she runs down a list: 7 million in 
prison, the war on terror, 46 million hungry and in poverty, and the 
0.1% with 20 million or more have doubled their wealth since the 60's. 
Then she quotes Thomas Paine,

    These are the times that try men's souls.

These are indeed the times that try men's souls, but the question Paine 
asks is,

    What is to be done?

Flanders asked the crowd two questions. First, do we want change and 
second, are these revolutionary times? Richard Wolff pointed out the 
crowd gave a strong cheer regarding change but wobbled when asked about 
revolution. This is understandable," he continued, "as revolution is 
scary." Many of us, myself included, believe the American population is 
asleep and apathetic but Wolff reminds us, "Revolution is not limited to 
the U.S. Revolution is global."

*Power and Language*

Hedges explained the importance of Paine. 
"Paine understood the monarchy. He understood British power and could 
explain the structures of power. He understood what power was, and how 
it functioned, and was able to write in such a way that, according to 
Cornel West, "the common folk could understand it." Hedges continued, 
"Hubris blinded the British monarchy just as our system of government is 
blinded now."

West went on to say Paine was able to create a vocabulary and write 'as 
plain as the alphabet.' Paine, a Quaker, was opposed to power, and the 
rights of kings and belonged to no political party. Born in the UK, 
Paine arrived in the United States in 1774 and in 1776 wrote Common 
Sense, which was read far and wide including by George Washington to his 
troops, and this work inspired people in the Thirteen Colonies to stand 
up and fight for their independence from Great Britain. Paine gave them 
the language to understand what was actually going on, and why they 
needed to fight for their freedom from British rule.

Later West gave us some language to explain what's truly going on today. 
"Poverty is the new slavery," he tells us. "Prison is the new Jim Crow. 
Economic inequality is slavery. The plutocrats, oligarchs, banks, Wall 
Street, and corporations are the monarchy."

Richard Wolff pointed out, "We now face more than enough evidence, 
outrage, injustices, attacks on our freedoms, and rights on our 
security." Our system is unequal, unjust, and intolerable. "Reform?" he 
asks. "Been there/done that/doesn't work. They undo our reforms. They 
spent forty years undoing the New Deal." Thomas Paine concluded, "We've 
got to change the system. Revolution means tell the King of England to 
go home. You're out of here."

Wolff maintains it's the same for us. He mentions the economist Thomas 
Piketty, who in his 700-page book, Capitalism in the 21st Century 
concludes capitalism always produces growing inequality of wealth and 
income. Wolff continues, "We've got to have the courage to make 
systematic change."

    If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
    better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in
    peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the
    hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may
    posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. --- Samuel Adams

West challenged us, "We must be willing to die. We must act humanely, 
think critically, and that means sacrificing popularity." He pointed out 
how many intellectuals today have been seduced by power, prestige and 
money. Not willing to take a risk but rather hide behind a veneer of 
being cynical and despairing.

Hedges again emphasized how important language is. Paine reclaimed words 
like democracy that, at the time, was considered a very negative term. 
Today the elites have crafted a specialized vocabulary we can't 
penetrate. Paine gave them the vocabulary. We too must search for 
language and call things by their real name.

West reiterated the need for "righteous anger and indignation. Speech 
that is unafraid." This is what Malcolm X did and he suffered the 
consequences. Truth tellers are pushed to the margins, vilified, 
assassinated or all three. This is what happened to Thomas Paine when he 
peeled off the cover and gave a scathing critique of George Washington. 
He called America a bastion of capitalism and white supremacy. Paine 
also said indigenous people were wiser than white people. West reminds 
us that today, "We're isolated from each other. We're separated from our 
red, black, yellow, and white brothers and sisters."

Wolff pointed out, "All the people who stood against Paine are now 
forgotten but Thomas Paine survived." Thomas Paine addresses, "What is 
to be done?" and gives us insight into what we face now. Wolff 
reiterates, "Democracy was a very negative term but now is the holy of 
holies." "Our democracy," Wolff points out, "is a fake--a complete 
fantasy. We live in the opposite of a democracy. Our institutions are 
undemocratic. We pretend we live in a democracy. We need to shock the 
population. We're not treated like human beings." Wolff continued, 
"Paine teaches us to think about revolution as a way to change a 
system." "We permit institutions to be organized in an undemocratic way. 
We leave decisions to the few people at the top--the corporations. We 
have to be in charge of them. We must reorganize production."

*Vilification and Historical Amnesia*

Hedges explained the two weapons used against Thomas Paine were: 
vilification and historical amnesia. Paine was followed, slandered, 
libeled, marginalized, arrested, pushed to the margins, narrowly escaped 
execution, and they finally broke him. He died a pauper in Greenwich 
Village. "Six people attended his funeral. Two of them were black." But 
even as Paine was prosecuted and vilified he preached we must protect 
our enemies. Hedges went on to illustrate our historical amnesia by 
asking, "Where are the monuments to him? He was an important founder. 
He's been ignored. The establishment works hard to erase our radical 

    In a time of universal deceit -- telling the truth is a
    revolutionary act. --- George Orwell

Truth telling is very dangerous business indeed, and certainly not for 
the faint of heart. West points out, "most of our friends are cowards." 
I'll add most of us are too cowardly and lazy to get off the couch let 
along stand up to the system that enslaves us, call it out, and 
ultimately change it. But according to West, "The truth has to emerge." 
We need courageous examples such as Malcolm X, Herbert Harrison Victoria 
Garvin, David Walker and I'll add Dr. King, Gandhi, Chelsea Manning and 
Edward Snowden. West reminds us, "We must be courageous or we'll go 
under. The people organized are powerful, but the gangsters who run 
things are powerful too. We're up against a lot. Their crimes against 
humanity include our educational system, prisons and drones" to name a 
few." "Poverty is prison, and, as West points out, "if whites instead of 
blacks were in prison and poverty in these numbers we'd be hearing a 
different story. " "White supremacy, lies and crimes," West assures us, 
"the black elites will be behind this as well."

    We thought (the United States) could lead us to freedom, but they
    led us into feardom, not freedom. --- Giannina Braschi

Wolff contends, "We don't know where we are in the revolution. Be a 
critic. Push to see where and how far you can go. Can't worry about what 
we're up against." He quotes, "For decades nothing may happen, but then 
in a moment decades happen."

    The basis of a democratic state is liberty. --- Aristotle

"Liberty?" Wolff asks. "There is no liberty." We live in an NSA 
corporate surveillance state. He explains, "Our problem is the economic 
system. Our climate situation is another consequence of capitalism. We 
have obscene social inequalities. Our economic system is dysfunctional 
to most of us."

    Surveillance, without regard to the rule of law or our basic human
    dignity, creates societies that fear free expression and dissent,
    the very values that make America strong. --- Edward Snowden

I downloaded Paine's /Common Sense/ to my Kindle a couple of years ago 
and began reading it, but never finished it. I ordered a paperback of 
Common Sense along with The Rights of Man, as it's easier for me to 
study these works with a hardcopy. I also just ordered and received 
/Democracy, Inc./ by Sheldon Wolin. Hedges always mentions this 
professor emeritus of politics at Princeton University, and his work on 
"managed democracy and the specter of inverted totalitarianism." Not 
exactly light reading but important to understand what's actually going 
on, and perhaps gain insight into how to change the system.

    We are the empire. --- Chris Hedges

I've included a link to this amazing ninety-minute talk 
with these three enlightened truth tellers. Please check it out for 
yourself. Then we, like Paine, must ask ourselves, "What is to be done?" 
And then go a step further. What can I do? How can I get involved? It's 
time for a revolution. Our system no longer serves us, and is a threat 
to humanity and the planet. We must stop these illegal wars of 
aggression that murder millions in our names. The U.S. military is the 
largest terrorist organization on the planet. Our elected officials no 
longer listen to us 
We're merely commodities to the elites, as is the environment, which 
they are in the process of destroying. As Hedges pointed out in his 
closing comments,

    Whites are now enduring what people of color have already endured.
    The minimum wage is critical. What they've done to college students
    is criminal. Something is coming-- no jobs, mortgage crisis, climate
    change. There will be blowback.

According to Thomas Jefferson we need a revolution every twenty years. 
I'd say we're long overdue.

    God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.
    The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which
    is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of
    the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such
    misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the
    public liberty. ... And what country can preserve its liberties, if
    its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people
    preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is
    to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What
    signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty
    must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and
    tyrants. It is its natural manure.


Jill Dalton <http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/tag/jill-dalton/> is a 
recovering army brat/writer/performer who has appeared in film and 
television as well as performing her solo plays in New York and around 
the country. Most recently she can be seen in and consulted for William 
Hurt on the HBO film, "Too Big To Fail." Her articles have been 
published on: Dandelion Salad <http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/>, 
RSN, OpEdNews & Progressive Activists Voice 
<http://proactvoice.wordpress.com/>. She is currently writing a 
screenplay. Read Ms. Dalton's ebook, Is It Fascism Yet? 


Chris Hedges, Cornel West, Richard D. Wolff: The Anatomy of Revolution: 
Thomas Paine 

Cornel West: We are Calling for Fundamental Transformation of U.S. 
Capitalist Society (Must-see) 

Thoreau Is Still Relevant by Henry Pelifian 

We Are a Movement of Movements by Rivera Sun 

The Man From the North: What Are We Waiting For? by Rivera Sun 

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