[OccupyCU] More from our local Holocaust denier

Stephen Francis via OccupyCU occupycu at lists.chambana.net
Fri Jun 20 17:12:54 EDT 2014

Make that Holocaust Hoax Exposer.... Mr. Gehrig.... let's be straight about these things.
The Jewish people need to come to grips with the deeds of the Zionists and save themselves from what could be another ugly expulsion.
9/11 is the Achilles Heal and will serve to unravel the hoax all the way back to the 'Holocaust'. 9/11 was a brazen miscalculation that cannot be undone. It's the 'mother of all 'who dunnits' with an insatiable appetite for the truth.
The vast majority of Jewish people are good.  The internet will eventually sort out the bad apples.

On Friday, June 20, 2014 10:50 AM, David Gehrig <david-cu at nukulele.org> wrote:

You left out the Flintstones. Everybody knows *they're* in on it too. Their real names
were Feivel and Vilna (nee Rothschild) Flintstein, and they were Nazis, Swiss bankers, 
*and* Mossad plants, plus I think they also had a sideline selling stolen nuclear secrets
to the Russians.

Here is a tip you may find useful: just because you've put two unrelated things into
the same sentence, that doesn't suddenly make them related by anything other
than the sentence you've put them in. Your "let's just make a big pile of loose dirt and
claim it's all actually one big hunk of granite" approach isn't getting you anywhere.

On Jun 20, 2014, at 9:57 AM, Stephen Francis via OccupyCU <occupycu at lists.chambana.net> wrote:

Follow the money.... all the way back to Hitler and the Zionists....
>Saudi funding of ISIS......   What is the real history between Israel and Saudi Arabia?
>Follow the money back to UBS, then Switzerland, The Swiss Banker's Association, then Union Bank of Switzerland, Nazi gold, Warburgs
>The Rothschild / Warburg / Schiff / Bank of International Settlements, Nazi funding, all related.
>Zionist exploitation of Jews! ... the creation of Israel.... all linked.....eventually even to 9/11, Patriot Act, NSA, 

... and the Flintstones.

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