[OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] Fake liberal remains consistent

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Wed Mar 5 20:39:27 UTC 2014

It means that David Gill is a typical representative of Obama-era Democratic party liberalism - more properly called neoliberalism. 

Obama was elected by voters who wanted jobs and no more war. Instead, he provided more war (including killing hundreds of children in his world-wide assassination program) and very few jobs (and those for a select group: 95% of income gains from 2009 to 2012 went to the top 1% of the earning population.).  

Obama's tergiversation was covered by his smooth lies (the mendacity of hope) and his persecution of those who reveal government crimes - carried out with an executive  viciousness that hasn't been seen since another Democratic president imprisoned Debs. 

On war and the economy, David Gill was a comfortable reflection of the lying Obama politics - as are two of the three Democratic candidates in the 13th IL CD, Callis and Gollin. But David Green explicitly rejects those views: <http://davidgreenforcongress.com>.

So it is disingenuous at best for Gill to say that "he  would continue to 'stay neutral' in this spring's three-way 13th District Democratic primary among Ann Callis, George Gollin and David Green..." His views on jobs and war agree with those of Callis and Gollin - and contrast sharply with those of David Green.

Avoidance of policy positions and the substitution of a winning personality is the best liberals seem to be able to do in the Obama years - obviously because the policies that they will vote for are those of the 1%, which would be rejected by the majority, were they to become known.  

See now Adolph Reed Jr., "The Long, Slow Surrender of American Liberals" Harper's, February 19, 2014 <http://zcomm.org/znetarticle/the-long-slow-surrender-of-american-liberals/> about what it means. 


On Mar 5, 2014, at 1:42 PM, Ricky Baldwin <baldwinricky at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Means exactly nothing.
> Ricky Baldwin
> "Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn
> On Wednesday, March 5, 2014 11:27 AM, C. G. Estabrook <carl at newsfromneptune.com> wrote:
> "...he said he would continue to 'stay neutral' in this spring's three-way 13th District Democratic primary among Ann Callis, George Gollin and David Green..."
> http://www.news-gazette.com/news/local/2014-03-05/tom-kacich-rosenberg-mailer-turns-madigan-hypocrite.html
> ...Dr. David Gill, the Democratic candidate for the 13th Congressional District race in 2012, last week left his $127,739-a-year position with the Illinois Department of Public Health.
> Gill said his resignation was effective March 1 and that he would "get back to full-time emergency medicine," working at hospitals in Normal, Gibson City and Alton.
> Even though he was appointed assistant director of the public health department in May, he was never confirmed by the state Senate.
> "I leave without any negative feelings. I think the people doing that work are making a sacrifice," he said. "As far as the family budget, to do right by my family, I needed to get back to the full-time practice of emergency medicine. But I leave there very amicably."
> He said he plans to continue working at the three hospitals, "just expanding my hours."
> When he ran for Congress in 2012, Gill disclosed that in 2011, he made $311,420 as an independent emergency-room physician.
> He said he eventually hoped to run for public office again, but likely not this year.
> And he said he would continue to "stay neutral" in this spring's three-way 13th District Democratic primary among Ann Callis, George Gollin and David Green.
> But the seat "still interests me," Gill said. "I want to see the people of Illinois 13 represented appropriately. I still feel that the voters got a raw deal last time, with the views by (independent candidate) John Hartman and I winning the day by 6 or 7 points, but those views aren't being represented in Washington, D.C., right now."
> In the 2012 election, Gill got 46.21 percent, Hartman got 7.24 percent and the winner, Republican Rodney Davis, got 46.55 percent.
> "I certainly would like to see the majority of people have their voice in Washington, which I believe they aren't. They got cheated by the way John Hartman and I split the votes," Gill said...
> ###

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