[OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] [Peace] News from Neptune for 14 March 2014

Brussel, Morton K brussel at illinois.edu
Sat Mar 15 17:45:49 UTC 2014

It's hard to understand why Ya'aQov writes to this list (Peace-discuss) except as a provocateur-apologist for Israel, just as he attempted in the session with Rabbi Rosen (who responded with reason and dignity). We are all quite well aware of the predations of the government (and, unfortunately, most of the people) of Israel.


On Mar 15, 2014, at 11:10 AM, ya'aQov wrote:

So according to D. Green there are 2 categories:

  1.  those who echo what D. Green says
  2.  those who don't, and they are therefore smeared

D. Green, you simply didn't address my note's points about BDS.  Instead, you rushed into character assassination 'GPO style'.

And you are asking us to vote for you as another person in Congress to talk to yourself, or smear??  we do know better.

As I said, after you loose, soon, your chance to go to D.C. in our name, I'll be glad to accept your challenge to debate any issue concerning Israel/Palestine.

On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 9:09 AM, David Green <davegreen84 at yahoo.com<mailto:davegreen84 at yahoo.com>> wrote:
Rabbi Rosen's presentation was informed and authentic; my only criticism would be in more concrete proposals for influencing U.S. foreign policy, but I think that has more to do with the time allowed and the focus of his presentation on Jewish perspectives.

Ya'aQov's criticisms are, as always with him, in extreme bad faith. Rabbi Rosen offered clear and dispassionate responses to Y's propaganda-driven and goading questions, including a typical hasbara point regarding Jews from Arab countries. Y has zero credibility on this issue, as he does on any issue. Y was tolerated and accorded his dignity by Rosen; Y in turn engages in a scurrilous attack on this list. That's all I will have to say on this issue.

On Friday, March 14, 2014 11:20 PM, ya'aQov <yaaqovz at gmail.com<mailto:yaaqovz at gmail.com>> wrote:
Rabbi B. Rosen's advocacy for BDS was uninformed, fake leftist posturing, as D. Green's is. Rosen had an epiphany during Operation Cast Lead; that didn't improve his accuracy and analytical prowess.

Possibly the best analyses of BDS is N. Chomsky's<http://mostlykosher.blogspot.com/2011/09/noam-chomsky-on-bds-not-what-you-expect.html> and N. Finkelstein's<http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/finkelstein-renews-attack-bds-cult-calls-palestinians-who-pursue-their-rights>

Again and again, people pretending to speak on behalf of Palestinian people have NOT spoken with Palestinian people, and fail on representing them.  Neither are they representing Israel's opposition to their government's policies, nor are they attempting to collaborate with Israelis opposing the occupation.  Rabbi Rosen qas a good example for that: he mentioned friends in the Israeli opposition to he occupation, yet he never attempted to align his Jewish Voice for Peace with them.

Protesting and bringing an end to the military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza will not be accomplished by uninformed, fake posturing, and fake representations.

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 8:25 PM, C. G. Estabrook <carl at newsfromneptune.com<mailto:carl at newsfromneptune.com>> wrote:

A "Counterpuncher" edition
Produced and directed by Caleb Seripinas
on Urbana Public Television

The new number o the New Left Review (January February 2014) contains an article by its quondam editor Perry Anderson on the life and career of the late Alexander Cockburn, simply best political journalist in America in the era of the coming of neoliberalism (and a major influence on our program). An excerpt:

>From the start, long before Clinton was elected, Alexander foresaw what the governor of Arkansas, mired in state-level malfeasance and connexions to the Contra programme, would mean as a ruler of the country: Walmart jobs for the many and Marc Rich pardons for the few. Within five months of the new Presidency he was writing: ‘The Clinton administration is over. Oh, it will drag on in a thickening twilight of new beginnings and fresh tomorrows’, under a ruler whose language bespoke his vision: ‘Clinton’s sloppy, tired phrases limp through the reality of America like an obese Sunday jogger waddling down the road.’ Of his claim to diplomatic fame, Alexander, abandoning mockery, wrote in words that are no less implacably actual today:

"It would take the pen of Swift to evoke the nauseating scenes of hypocrisy, bad faith and self-delusion on the White House lawn today [13 September 1993], crammed as it was with people who for long years were complicit in the butchery and torture of Palestinians and the denial of their rights, now applauding the ‘symbolic handshake’ that in fact ratified further negation of those same rights. In the shadow of an American President with the poise and verbiage of the manager of a McDonald’s franchise, Arafat produced oratory so meagre it made Rabin sound like Cicero.

"Right now, Palestinians get the right to manage the world’s largest prison, the Gaza Strip, plus one cow town. It’s as though the Irish in 1921 got Tralee plus a few acres in West Cork, with the British holding the entire eastern half, Belfast, Dublin, Waterford, plus all the resources, with its army free to roam at will across the Irish enclaves, themselves fragmented by British highways and drained of water. There will be no Palestinian sovereignty and an economy completely subordinated to Israel’s."


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