[OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] Julian Assange Rails Against NSA surveillance, Preparing New WikiLeaks Release

Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 28 18:41:19 UTC 2014

For the record: 
Assange has NOT been accused of anything (see highlighted, below). He is wanted for questioning about sexual misconduct, totally after-the-fact-trumped-up-pretense to get him back to Sweden so the US can demand that Sweden extradite him to the US to face extremely serious charges which will end in a life sentence or worse. 

 From: David Johnson <davidjohnson1451 at comcast.net>
To: sf-core <sf-core at yahoogroups.com>; Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>; occupycu at lists.chambana.net 
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 8:25 AM
Subject: [Peace-discuss] Julian Assange Rails Against NSA surveillance,	Preparing New WikiLeaks Release

Julian Assange Rails Against NSA surveillance, Preparing New WikiLeaks 
Educate! Edward 
Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, Julian Assange, NSA 
By Martin Bryant, www.thenextweb.com
March 9th, 2014

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At SXSW today, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange 
Skyped in from the Ecuadorian embassy in London to take part in an 
hour-long Q&A session. While the main topic of the discussion – 
government surveillance of theInternet – 
 and his opposition to it, was unsurprising, Assange had some interesting 
points worth sharing.
He said that the most important transition of the past decade has 
been the politicization of the Internet, as demonstrated by the likes of 
WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald. He noted that Greenwald and 
other national security reporters have had to leave the US for 
countries that are more amenable to them to avoid the fear of being arrested at 
any time due to the “growing militarism in the USA and UK.” However, he pointed 
out that this allows them to do work that is even more powerful than they did in 
the US.
Assange referred to Internet surveillance as “the penetration of 
our human society,” stating “now that human society and the Internet have merged 
– the laws of the Internet become the laws of human society.”
On his enforced exile in the Ecuadorian embassy to avoid 
deportation to Sweden where he faces sexual assault charges, Assange 
described his situation as “a bit like a prison,” although “arguably prisoners 
have it worse due to the restrictions on visitors (at the embassy)… I operate in 
a situation that’s any security reporter’s dream,” he said, as he’s free of 
subpoenas and police interference.
Assange said a new WikiLeaks release of “important” material was in the works 
although he didn’t want to offer a timeframe for its publication as he 
didn’t want to tip-off “alleged perpetrators.”
He criticized the standard journalistic practice of approaching subjects 
of stories for comment ahead of publication, as it simply gave them time to 
spin acounter-argument to the allegations. While this may annoy many 
journalists, it will come as no surprise to anyone who followed the unredacted 
release of the US diplomatic cables in 2010 and 2011.
While the content of the session wasn’t Earth-shattering, it amused us to 
note the irony that Assange was criticizing NSA surveillance while his head was 
being displayed next to 
a Skype logo.
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