[OccupyCU] GOP Betrays Social Security-Cutting Dems

David Johnson via OccupyCU occupycu at lists.chambana.net
Thu Oct 30 09:08:15 EDT 2014

Published on
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Campaign for America's Future Blog 

"Meanwhile, Democrats who backed this bill -- and who were promised 
bipartisan "cover" for adopting this fundamentally conservative plan -- 
are waiting for reinforcements that will never arrive."

  GOP Betrays Social Security-Cutting Dems: Who Could've Seen It Coming?

Richard Eskow <http://www.commondreams.org/author/richard-eskow>

For the bulk of Obama's presidency, conventional Beltway wisdom has 
insisted that Democrats who endorse cuts to their party's signature 
programs will be handsomely rewarded, with both the gratitude of voters 
and the fraternal support of their Republican colleagues. Instead 
they're being pilloried for taking unpopular and economically unsound 
positions. Whodathunkit? (Photo: Wikipedia)

Who could've seen it coming?

Progressives could be forgiven for developing something of a Cassandra 
complex when it comes to the Democratic Party's economic stances. Here's 
the latest case in point:

The Washington Post and Politico have warned us that Republicans, led by 
Karl Rove's dark-money outfit, are attacking Democratic candidates for 
supporting the "bipartisan" cuts to Social Security that were all the 
rage in Washington for a few years.

Amid what the Post's Lori Montgomery 
calls "charges of hypocrisy," Democrats like Sen. Kay Hagan of North 
Carolina are being slammed for supporting increases in the retirement 
age and cuts to future benefits. Adding insult to injury, Republican ads 
are mocking the once-revered, supposedly "bipartisan" Simpson-Bowles 
deficit proposal as a "controversial plan" that "raises the retirement age."

It is both those things, of course. It does raise the retirement age, 
and it is controversial -- controversial enough to be opposed by most 
Republicans, as well as overwhelming majorities of Democrats and 
independents, according to polls <http://www.populistmajority.org>.

But the conventional wisdom has insisted for years that Democrats who 
endorse cuts to their party's signature programs will be handsomely 
rewarded, with both the gratitude of voters and the fraternal support of 
their Republican colleagues. Instead they're being pilloried for taking 
unpopular and economically unsound positions.

Who, oh who, could have predicted it?

*Told You So*

There's no polite way to say this: some of us have been trying to warn 
the Dems for years. Here are some examples, from the written history I 
know best: my own. (If you don't want the "told you so's," feel free to 
skip ahead. We won't blame you -- even though this is only a partial list):

? Four years ago, on November 10, 2010 
Roger Hickey and I wrote an analysis of a poll sponsored by the Campaign 
for America's Future that quantified the unpopularity of the 
Simpson-Bowles plan.

? On November 4, 2010 
this author pointed out that insiders were marginalizing Social Security 
defenders as "the left," while dishonestly conveying the range of 
options available.

? In a piece that ran on November 16, 2010 
<http://ourfuture.org/20101116/The_Six_Percenters>, I pointed out that 
only six percent of the electorate agreed that "deficits" should be a 
congressional or presidential priority. On December 1, 2010 
I wondered who will protect the Democrats from their own austerity rhetoric.

? In January of 2011 
we used data from Social Security Works to note that Democrats had blown 
a 38-point lead over Republicans as the party voters trusted with their 
Social Security benefits, largely as a result of this "bipartisan" 
benefit-cut talk. That piece noted that Republicans had campaigned on an 
equally hypocritical "Seniors' Bill of Rights" --- and took the House 
that year.

? In March of 2011 
<http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rj-eskow/for-adults-only_b_836155.html> I 
warned Dems away from the false rhetoric from the right-leaning crowd, 
especially the rhetoric that asserts that it is somehow more "adult" to 
talk about unnecessary and punitive cuts for the American people than it 
is to discuss tax increases for millionaires.

? On May 16, 2011 
we pointed out that the Democratic Party's reputation was endangered by 
the spectacle of leading Democrat Bill Clinton and leading Republican 
John Boehner hanging out at a "fiscal summit" and agreeing that Social 
Security must be cut.

? On June 22, 2011 
we warned that Washington's anti-Social Security deficit hysteria 
amounted to a "war on the young" that could depress turnout among 
younger voters (a key concern in this year's races).

? In a piece that ran three years ago, on December 9, 2011 
<http://www.apple.com>, I pointed out that Republicans gave Dems a 
sucker punch and ran to their left in "entitlements" (Medicare and 
Social Security). We mentioned again that the "Seniors Bill of Rights" 
help them win in 2010.

? A piece published on April 25, 2011 
once again lamented the fact that mainstream political opinion on Social 
Security was being "marginalized" and excluded from Beltway debate. 
Another, on November 7, 2011 
pointed out that Simpson-Bowles was based on economic mythology.

? On July 17, 2012 
we warned Democrats and progressives that the slick "No Labels" package, 
supposedly a "nonpartisan" initiative, was a corporatist right-wing 
project in disguise -- one that had Social Security in its sights.

(Democrats cried foul this week when "No Labels" backed Tea Party 
candidate Cory Gardner 
against incumbent Democrat Mark Udall in the Colorado Senate race. To 
preserves the illusion of impartiality, the cynical outfit backed a 
Democratic House member at the same time. But the Udall/Gardner race is 
much more important, and almost certainly much closer.)

? On September 7, 2012 
we reminded Democrats that the President's offer of a Social Security 
compromise didn't lessen the right's fervor for bringing him down. On 
October 4, 2012 
we reminded Democrats about the GOP's "Seniors Bill of Rights" gambit 
again and cautioned them that a deal would lead to a double-cross.

? We warned Democrats on November 30, 2012 
-- two years ago -- that "fiscal cliff" deals and similar proposals were 
a Wall Street scam.

? On February 4, 2013 
we reminded readers of the dishonesty, as well as the personal vulgarity 
and excess, at the heart of the Simpson Bowles agenda.

*/I know we said you could jump ahead, but don't skip this part!/*

On April 9, 2013 
we warned Democrats about Obama's decision to incorporate the 
chained-CPI benefit cut into his budget. That meant Democrats could be 
labeled the "anti-Social Security party." We wondered how it would take 
Republicans to attack the president for adopting cuts they've wanted all 

On April 10, 2013 
we reported the results: /It only took fifteen minutes/ for a GOP 
official to call Obama's move a "shocking betrayal of seniors."

/And that was for adopting their own preferred policy./ Now let's continue.

? On April 11, 2013 
we pointed out that the GOP budget did /not/ include this benefit cut, 
placing Dems in a perilous position, and provided ten other facts about 
the "chained CPI" -- another Simpson-Bowles proposal.

? In September of 2013 
we warned Democrats away from the misguided austerity language political 
theorist Corey Robin has described as "eat your peas" rhetoric.

? On October 20, 2013 
cautioned Dems that "any scenario that leads to Social Security or 
Medicare cuts would be bad for seniors. It would also be bad for any 
politician who supported it."

? On March 27, 2014 
we reported on the central role Bill Clinton has played in steering his 
party in this disastrous direction, as leader of the Wall Street Democrats.

I'm not claiming any special prescience on this issue. I'm just one of a 
number of people who have been making these observations for years. But 
now, with the election a few days away, we learn that "with Republicans 
in striking distance of winning the Senate, they are suddenly blasting 
the idea of trimming Social Security benefits."

And all the faux centrists are saying, How could we have known?

*The Latest Betrayals*

The Huffington Post's Ryan Grim and Sabrina Siddiqui 
pithily note that "for decades, corporate strategy in Washington 
depended on bipartisan compromise to push through policies unpopular 
with the public." Any crack in that facade leads to infighting -- and, 
perhaps, to democratic representation in the halls of Congress.

Now the cracks are showing. The Post reports that Democratic Rep. John 
Barrow has been accused of "leaving Georgia seniors behind" by 
supporting "a plan that would raise the retirement age to 69 while 
cutting Social Security benefits." (That's Simpson Bowles.) Politico's 
Brian Faler 
reports that Rep. Joe Garcia is accused of "failing seniors."

Karl Rove's organization, Crossroads GPS, accused Hagan of supporting 
the same "controversial plan." Gardner appears in a new ad with his 
grandmother while promising to "honor every penny we promised today's 
seniors." (Did you catch the word "today"? See what he did there?)

The Post describes the Simpson Bowles plan, accurately, as a proposal 
that was"once venerated in both parties."

The theory, we were told, was that "Republicans would raise taxes" -- 
although Simpson Bowles leaned heavily on the middle class, rather than 
the wealthy -- in return for Democratic cuts to Medicare and Social 
Security. In truth, most of Simpson Bowles' measures would have hit the 
middle class and lower-income Americans the hardest.

Even its supposedly more "evenhanded" measures, like means-testing 
Social Security benefits, were designed in a way that would have hit the 
"99 percent" much harder than the wealthy.

*The Calvary Isn't Coming.*

The plan's two authors -- a hedge-fund Democrat and the Republican scion 
of political influence and personal prosperity -- spared no effort in 
pitching their plan as "courageous" (as if coddling billionaires takes 
courage) and "tough-minded" (as if pursuing corporate and billionaire 
funding requires toughness).

Voters weren't buying it.

Predictably, Simpson and Bowles have now taken to describing the hapless 
Democratic victims of their political scheme as "brave." The deal's 
other Republican advocates, like Senator turned Wall Street-funded 
pitchman Judd Gregg, simply shrug their shoulders at the betrayal. "In 
elections," Gregg told the /Post,/ "you do whatever you think will work."

Sometimes the "bipartisan" dealmakers let their conservative biases slip 
in subtle ways. Maya MacGuineas of "the Committee for a Responsible 
Federal Budget" is a leading member of this lobbying effort, which is 
funded in large part by billionaire Pete Peterson as well as an array of 
defense contractors and bailed-out Wall Street banks. Said MacGuineas, 
"Attacking Democrats who have been willing to break with their party's 
orthodoxy sets back the traditionally Republican agenda of entitlement 
reform tremendously."

To this well-heeled and well-funded crowd, Social Security and Medicare 
represent liberal "orthodoxy," rather than highly successful and popular 
programs that should be expanded. Cuts to these programs are "reform." 
And the desire to cut them represents Republican "tradition."

George Orwell would be proud. Meanwhile, Democrats who backed this bill 
-- and who were promised bipartisan "cover" for adopting this 
fundamentally conservative plan -- are waiting for reinforcements that 
will never arrive.


In an interview for The Zero Hour 
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJSl-royRLM>, the /Huffington Post/'s 
Ryan Grim warned of what MacGuineas describes as "mini-bargains" -- 
small deals that chip away at the nation's social contract one piece at 
a time, rather than in the more wholesale manner proposed by Simpson 
Bowles. And now, according to the /Post,/ the first such bargain may be 
looming on the horizon.

Republicans are now considering another budget showdown, along the lines 
of previous years' "hostage crises" against the American people and 
their government. And Lori Montgomery reports that

    With a deadline on the debt limit looming again sometime next year,
    some Republicans have been quietly discussing the possibility of
    boosting Treasury borrowing power in exchange for adopting the new
    inflation measure, among other cuts to entitlement programs.

Democrats from the President on down will undoubtedly to publicly sign 
on to a deal like that. They'll be told that voters will embrace them 
for it, praising them for their "bravery" and wisdom. And they'll 
undoubtedly be reassured that their Republican voters are willing to 
surrender some of their long-held principles, too, just as long as 
Democratic programs are cut more deeply -- and Democrats sign on to the 
deal first.

And when things get ugly for Democrats in the next election, they'll 
undoubtedly be asking themselves once again:

Who could have seen it coming?

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