[OccupyCU] News from Neptune on UPTV, Friday 12 September 2014

C. G. Estabrook via OccupyCU occupycu at lists.chambana.net
Sat Sep 13 18:41:55 EDT 2014


A Worse Than Terrorism Edition

{INTRO} Good evening, & welcome to News from Neptune for the 37th week of 2014.

For more than twenty years, this program has been "a spontaneous & unrehearsed discussion of the news of the week and its coverage by the media" - first on a so-called "community radio station" - and, when censored & locked out of there - welcomed, I'm happy to say, by the good people at Urbana Public Television.

I’m Carl Estabrook. My discussants tonight are David Green & Ron Szoke.

Our program's name, News from Neptune, was chosen to honor Noam Chomsky, who has been talking sense about American politics for twice the quarter-century we've been on the air.

Chomsky has said that in the American media, “either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it’s from Neptune.”

Our format is to take turns suggesting stories that have been ignored or misreported (occasionally even innocently) and then having our colleagues comment on them.

Previous programs are archived on YouTube and posted to the facebook page for News from Neptune, where you’ll also find comments from viewers (not all unadulterated praise) and some answers from us. I also can be reached at <carl at newsfromneptune.com>; I'm happy to receive your comments.

Today is September 12, 2014. We’ve been recalling the crimes of 9/11/2001 this week, but as Noam Chomsky says,

“Suppose that on 9-11 the planes had bombed the White House; suppose they'd killed the president, established a military dictatorship, quickly killed thousands, tortured tens of thousands more, set up a major international terror center that was carrying out assassinations, overthrowing governments all over the place, installing other dictatorships, and drove the country into one of the worst depressions in its history and had to call on the state to bail them out. Suppose that had happened? It did happen. On the first 9-11 in 1973. Except we were responsible for it ... That's Allende's Chile. You can't imagine the media talking about this.”

The Nuremberg Tribunal, which tied Nazi leaders after WWI, declared that aggression -- "invasion by its armed forces" by one state "of the territory of another state" -- is "the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”

Thus aggression is worse than terrorism.

This week we heard the president of the United States announce the "invasion by its armed forces ... of the territory of another state.”

Every President in the past quarter century has made the decision to bomb Iraq. We hanged people for that at Nuremberg.

You’re watching News from Neptune, A “worse than terrorism” edition.

And we’ll begin tonight with David Green, from the U of I, where incivility seems to be considered worse than terrorism - especially if one is being uncivll about the terrorist state of Israel.

"Constitutional lawyer Maria LaHood ... said that in just the last few years, there were over 200 cases of people at universities being reprimanded, fired, or even litigated against for making anti-Israel statements. She argued that this is sign of a persistent attempt to silence critics of Israel in American higher education."

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