[OccupyCU] News from Neptune on UPTV, Friday 19 September 2014

C. G. Estabrook via OccupyCU occupycu at lists.chambana.net
Thu Sep 25 17:25:12 EDT 2014


A Murderous Nation-State Edition

"The Enlightenment and its Romantic aftermath gave birth to two doctrines distinguished only by the letter s. The first was that people had the right to self-determination; the second was that peoples had such a right. The former belief is the keystone of modern democracy, and indeed of socialism; the second is a piece of romantic mystification, a fact which has not prevented a good many on the political Left from endorsing it. Nor has its philosophical basis been much examined in the standard literature on nationalism."
--Terry Eagleton

“I think the nation-state is one of the most atrocious of human inventions, and has led to immense suffering and brutality, and may lead to destruction of the species.

“No one wants to restore the Ottoman empire, obviously, but in some respects it had the right idea: let people manage their own affairs, with cooperative federal arrangements, and as few barriers as possible.

“Devolution towards a 'Europe of the regions' could be a step in that direction. Insofar as it is, it could be healthy. All such discussion, to be sensible, presupposes serious moves towards economic democracy: dissolution of corporations, worker self-management, community control, etc. Otherwise it’s merely a recipe for control by unaccountable totalitarian institutions, called 'private.'"
--Noam Chomsky


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