[OccupyCU] A good analysis from an unlikely source

C. G. Estabrook via OccupyCU occupycu at lists.chambana.net
Sat Sep 27 21:42:12 EDT 2014

"Certainly, the confused disciple of Curtis LeMay currently occupying the Oval Office should put his bombs away at the very earliest opportunity."


The principal thing wrong with this account is that it ignores the fact that Obama is the 4th president in a row to bomb Iraq: that's not the result of  'confusion.' It's rather a consistent US policy of trying to control the region with the world's greatest energy resources. The Obama administration rallies the 'Sunni alliance' (including Israel) against ISIS - hoping to continue to use it against the 'Shia alliance' (Iran and Syria, with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the background). But the US has "no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interests" - and those interests are the interests of the US 1% in controlling the Eurasian economy by means of controlling Mideast energy resources - the "world's greatest material prize," as the State Department put it in 1945. 


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