[OccupyCU] A disgusting warmonger

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Wed Feb 11 18:36:24 EST 2015

This is a devastating indictment of a generation of US war crimes - many of which most Americans don't know about - and of one of the people near the center of it, who is likely to become president:


"This is a country of 323 million people. 88% of those over 25 have graduated high school. The world respects U.S. culture, science, and technology. Why is it that out of our well-educated, creative masses the best that those who decide these things - the secretive cliques within the two official, indistinguishable political parties who answer to the 1% and who decide how to market electoral products - can come up with is the likely plate of candidates for the presidential election next year? Why is it that, while we all find it ridiculous that North Korea’s ruled by its third Kim, Syria by its second Assad, and Cuba by its second Castro, the U.S. electorate may well be offered a choice between another Clinton and another Bush? As though their predecessors of those surnames were anything other than long-discredited warmongering thugs?"


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