[OccupyCU] Love is Love! (and capital is capital)

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Fri Jun 26 15:43:05 EDT 2015

"This was a great week for Liberalism folks: we preserved a massive subsidy of the parasitic health insurance industry, expanded the reach of the thoroughly rotten institution of marriage, and finalized the complete corporate take-over of the Pacific Rim." [Will Menaker]

As a long-married Catholic (with no wish to change that status) I'd need some time to explain what 'the thoroughly rotten institution of marriage' might mean in the contemporary US, but I think it's probably an apt description of one of the effects of capitalist alienation. 

Years ago, as a Green party candidate, I advocated getting the state out of the marriage business entirely. In a rational society with a GAI and social supports (free education, healthcare, housing, etc.) people should be able to form the associations that seem appropriate to them.


> On Jun 26, 2015, at 2:22 PM, Dick Durbin <info at dickdurbin.com> wrote:
> C. G. --
> What an historic week!
> YESTERDAY: The Supreme Court saved the Affordable Care Act.
> AND TODAY: The Supreme Court legalized same sex marriage -- NATIONWIDE!
> I'm thrilled that in this moment in history, we as a nation are moving forward. I'm proud that Democrats united and that Obamacare and marriage equality are now the laws of the land. And most of all, I'm grateful that the Supreme Court is standing on the right side of history.
> Let's thank the Supreme Court Justices in the majority on both cases for getting these rulings right.
> Sign my card to thank the Supreme Court for these rulings!
> Thanks,
> -Dick Durbin

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