[OccupyCU] Portland OR Painters & Drywall Finishers Say: Break with the Democrats, For a Workers Party

a_indabronx a_indabronx at fastmail.fm
Sat Aug 20 00:03:11 UTC 2016


The following resolution was introduced by CSWP supporters and adopted
unanimously by IUPAT Local 10 members at their meeting on 17 August
2016. CSWP fights to unchain the power of the working class by breaking
our unions away from the parties of capital. Join us!

No Support to the Democrats, Republicans,
or Any Party of the Bosses

Whereas the bosses have two parties to represent their class while the
millions of working people have none, and

Whereas the Democratic president Barack Obama sent the U.S. Coast Guard
to enforce scabbing against the International Longshore and Warehouse
Union during the 2013-14 lock-out of northwest dock workers, and

Whereas the Democratic governor Kate Brown opposed and undercut the
movement for a $15 minimum wage across Oregon, and

Whereas in 2014 Democrats in Congress joined with Republicans to pass a
disastrous pension “reform,” allowing the bosses to escape their
obligations and cheat our retirees, and

Whereas the two presidencies of the Democrat Barack Obama have been
eight years of unending war in the Middle East,North Africa and Asia,
causing untold human suffering, millions of refugees, and attacks on our
democratic rights at home, and

Whereas the Democratic Party in power has deported some 5 million
immigrants, a record, and

Whereas across the country, from Oakland to Baltimore, police under
Democratic mayors regularly murder black men and women with impunity,

Whereas the 2016 presidential election offers us the “choice” between a
raving, bigoted clown and a career representative of Wall Street, and

Whereas the Democratic vice-presidential candidate, Virginia governor
Tim Kaine, supports union- busting “right to work” laws, and

Whereas Democrats and Republicans are and have always been
strike-breaking, war-making parties of the bosses, and

Whereas so long as the labor movement supports one or another party of
the bosses, we will be playing a losing game, therefore be it

Resolved that IUPAT Local 10 does not support the Democrats,
Republicans, or any bosses’ parties or politicians, and

Resolved that we call on the International Union to repudiate its
endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president, and

Resolved that we call on the labor movement to break from the Democratic
Party, and build a class- struggle workers party.

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