[Peace-discuss] Re: Obama and the anti-war movement (C. G. Estabrook)

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Tue Aug 30 00:07:35 CDT 2005

I think you're right on both points (domestic/war policy,
African American working people), Tom, and I re-read your
article while working on a flyer for Obama's visitation.  The
last point on the flyer was a quotation from the Tribune

Incidentally, Obama's people are worried about that interview.
His press person brought me the reporter who wrote the article
in a somewhat desperate attempt to explain it away ("Well,
attacking Iran *might* be necessary...!"). --CGE

---- Original message ----
>Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 13:49:45 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Tom Mackaman <tmackaman at yahoo.com>  
>Subject: [Peace-discuss] Re: Obama and the anti-war movement
(C. G. Estabrook)   
>To: peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
>   The AWARE group should be aware of Obama's own
>   racist and warhawk position on Iran and the Muslim
>   world, which he elaborated to the Chicago
>   Tribune during his campaign against Keyes.  I ask
>   immodestly that you read an article I wrote about
>   this Tribune editorial for the WSWS. "Democratic
>   keynote speaker Barack Obama calls for missile
>   strikes on Iran" 
>   The peace movement should protest against pro-war
>   Democratic politicians of Obama's ilk, but
>   with absolutely no illusions in their
>   convertability.  It is not possible any longer-- if
>   ever it was-- to separate the question of domestic
>   policy from war policy, as some would have it.  One
>   cannot be pro-continuation in Iraq and pro social
>   programs in the US.  The former bankrupts
>   the latter.  Posturing aside, Obama is no friend
>   of the African American working people who are
>   fighting and being killed disproportionately in this
>   war.  All the more reason he must be exposed!      
>   Best regards,
>   Tom

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