[Peace-discuss] UPTV schedule for March

Randall Cotton recotton at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 15 21:57:17 CST 2005

On Lisa's suggestion at the last meeting, here is the March programming for
UPTV submitted by
folks I've been working with:

I generally won't be able to put this info together every month. If someone
else is interested in doing so, please let me know =8-)

But you can always see UPTV's current schedule at:


Mondays 10PM
"Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11"
(a series of critical, unresolved questions are raised surrounding the
tragedy of September 11)

Tuesday-Friday 9:30PM
(daily news from Middle East satellite broadcasters)

Tuesdays at 10PM, Sundays at 11PM (both programs below are broadcast one
after the other at these times):
Shocking and Awful: Empire & Oil
(Examines the recent history of the Middle East and the Iraq War in relation
to Western control of oil)
Shocking and Awful: Globalization at Gunpoint
(A look at privatization of the Iraqi economy, in effect, selling off Iraq's
assets to foreign investors)

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11PM:
Hijacking Catastrophe
(searing documentary on how U.S administration used 9/11 to go to war in

Wednesdays 10PM
"Toxic Sludge is Good for You"
(documentary about the PR industry)

Saturdays at 8PM:
Shocking and Awful: Channels of War
(How the  mainstream television networks have fanned the flames of war, then
sanitized it, and have profited from doing so)
Shocking and Awful: Dance of Death
(Soldiers and their families speak out against the war, and their lost loved

Saturdays 9PM, Sundays 10PM (both programs below are broadcast one after the
other at these times):
Shocking and Awful: Standing with the Women of Iraq
(Passionate statements of resistance are intercut with actions by women at
the forefront of anti-war protests in the U.S.)
Shocking and Awful: The Real Face of the Occupation
(On-the-ground footage shows the humiliation and dehumanization of Iraqis
inevitable in a colonial situation)

Saturdays at 10PM:
Ammo for the Info Warrior
(series of attention-grabbing mini-documentaries on a variety of topics)


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