[Peace-discuss] How the story was planted minutes after it happened.

Chuck Minne mincam2 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 4 10:22:06 CDT 2007

  Journalist/author Berry Zwicker presents a very interesting perspective about 9-11 on Canadian TV. He examined from the TV archives, all the coverage on 9-11 and 9-12, and compares the official 9-11 story to the movie "Wagging The Dog. He discovered that the initial spin was given to all the networks virtually as the event happened. The first impression that the American public got was the story that the administration wanted to sell, and every effort was made to spin it that way. Before anyone could be expected to explain or understand completely what had happened, we were given the details, so the “right” story would  be planted in our minds.
  Especially interesting is how, before noon on 9-11, Dan Rather interviews a man named Jerome Hauer who is identified as someone who was on Giuliani's staff, who says the impact of the airplanes weakened the steel and then they pancaked, which is exactly what is being said (planted) on the other networks at the same time; and then Hauer says it has all the "fingerprints of bin Laden." This is only minutes after the attack. 
  It turns out that Hauer was a director of the company that had the contract for security of the World Trade Center and also was a close Bush insider. This was not divulged when Dan Rather interviewed him.
  Zwicker further explains how within about 10 hours (when who really knew anything about what had happened? (except the perpetrators, of course,)) he got his newspaper in Canada explaining just how the towers collapsed, which was the initial spin, and how that spin/explanation has basically not changed and is still the official explanation; indicating how everything presented through the media has gone according to a script.
  He goes on to describe how psychological tests have shown how our brains are wired to accept the first explanation and how we actually enjoy and take pleasure in disputing and refusing to accept any change to the initial story. We actually enjoy rejecting information we don’t already believe in, even if what we believe is wrong.
  In all the 9-11 stuff, I think this is the first time it has been shown how the media was manipulated. Fox News even had an unnamed guy, a “bystander” in a Harley shirt, explain, minutes after it happened, how the fires “obviously” melted the steel and made the building collapse.
  Finally, he predicts that there will be another false flag attack on the US, probably worse than 9-11, maybe a dirty nuclear bomb, which would immediately be blamed on Iran using left-over nuclear materials from the old Russian armaments, and this will make our invasion of Iran a noble cause.
  Even if you disagree, this is an argument worth judging. Here is the link:

  But judge for yourself, don't be afraid, Watch This or This

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