[Peace-discuss] Die-In this Saturday- help needed

John W. jbw292002 at gmail.com
Tue May 22 02:13:15 CDT 2007

At 11:37 PM 5/21/2007, Shara Esbenshade wrote:

>Dear AWARE,
>The youth-planned Die-In will happen this Saturday, May 26th at 12 pm at
>the corner of Green & Wright streets. If you can come, it would be greatly
>appreciated! It would be great to have a positive crowd there, and it
>would be very helpful to have people to hold signs up, take
>pictures possibly, and warn us when the lights in the intersection change.
>The Die-In is planned to go for an hour, but if it is going well it might
>go on for longer if people feel like staying. We'll see. Thanks, and we
>hope to see some of you there this Saturday!

This weekend would be as good as any to die, if I knew what the cause was 
and if the death was to be brought about in a humane manner.  I do hope 
that none of the youth are planning to die, though, as they have their 
entire lives ahead of them!

John Wason 

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