[Peace-discuss] DN!: Hersh: Congress Agreed to Bush Request...

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Mon Jun 30 21:56:25 CDT 2008

In fact it would have been perfectly legal for members of Congress "to squeal 
about those secret operations [or] for Durbin et al. to divulge that they knew 
the 'evidence' given for justification for attacking Iraq was bogus" on the 
floor of the House or Senate.  The Constitution specifically says of members of 
Congress in the "Speech or Debate Clause" (Article I, Section 6, Clause 1) that 
"for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any 
other Place." --CGE

Jenifer Cartwright wrote:
> Yeah, four more involved... but the strange and awful thing here is that 
> it would have been "illegal" for these guys to squeal about those secret 
> operations. Same deal in effect made it "illegal" for Durbin et al to 
> divulge that they knew the "evidence" given for justification for 
> attacking Iraq was bogus BEFORE the attack was carried out. Something is 
> seriously amiss here (other than the players invovled).
>  --Jenifer  

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