[Peace-discuss] cost of worldwide financial epiphany about 12 trillion

ewj at pigs.ag ewj at pigs.ag
Sun Aug 9 08:30:50 CDT 2009

IMF puts total cost of crisis at £7.1 trillion
The cost of mopping up after the world financial crisis has come to
$11.9 trillion (£7.12 trillion) − enough to finance a £1,779
handout for every man, woman and child on the planet.
By Edmund Conway
Published: 10:01PM BST 08 Aug 2009

The staggering total is is equivalent to around a fifth of the entire
globe's annual economic output and includes capital injections pumped
into banks in order to prevent them from collapse, the cost of soaking
up so-called toxic assets, guarantees over debt and liquidity support
from central banks. Although much of the total may never be called on,
the potential outlay still dwarfs any previous repair bill for the
global economy.

The IMF calculations, produced ahead of the two-year anniversary of the
crisis, underline the continually mounting cost. Most of the cash has
been handed over by developed countries, for whom the bill has been
$10.2 trillion, while developing countries have spent only $1.7 trillion
− the majority of which is in central bank liquidity support for
their stuttering financial sectors.

The IMF figures also show that Britain has been the biggest of all the
spenders on emergency measures to support its financial sector, with its
total bill for the clean-up amounting to 81.8pc of its gross domestic
product − equivalent to £1,227bn.

Britain's record bill is also unique in that it has also already spent
much of it already, with 20pc of GDP having already supported struggling

The countries that make up the G20 grouping will face a combined budget
deficit of 10.2pc of GDP in 2009 − the biggest since the Second
World War. Although the biggest will be faced by the US, with 13.5pc of
GDP, Britain also faces an 11.6pc deficit and Japan a 10.3pc one.

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