[Peace-discuss] Subject-verb-9/11

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Sat May 9 04:38:09 CDT 2009

[From the regime-friendly Nation, a hint of the debate that should be occurring. 
The scene was the awful Richard Holbrooke before a House committee on Tuesday. 

The most outspoken critic of the escalation in Afghanistan and Pakistan was 
Republican Congressman Ron Paul. "It just seems like we never learn from our 
past mistakes," he said. "It's going to cost a lot of money and it's going to 
cost a lot of lives.... And the odds of it working are so slim.... How do you 
win the hearts and minds of these people if we're seen as invaders and 
occupiers... I'd like to know where you stand on the killing of innocent 

Holbrooke didn't answer Paul's question -- which was the ONLY question of the 
hearing that (sort of) challenged the use of drones and airstrikes.

Instead, he said, "Afghanistan-Pakistan is not Iraq.... The reason we are in 
this area is because the people in this area attacked our country on September 
11th, 2001 and have stated flatly they intend to do it again."


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