[Peace-discuss] Voter Registration Training...

Carl G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Tue Aug 21 23:26:05 UTC 2012

If Illinois is 'in play,' so that Obama will need a GOTV effort here, he's already lost. But it doesn't look that way, does it?

Would Romney have a learning curve, or would he immediately be as adept at child-killing? 

Probably the latter, because - like Obama - he'd simply carry over the economic & military policy-makes of the previous administration.

'The width of a cigarette paper separates the Democratic and Republican parties on economic and foreign policies. Both represent the super rich and the impoverishment of a nation from which trillions impoverishment of a nation from which trillions of tax dollars have been transferred to a permanent war industry and banks that are little more than criminal enterprises. Obama is as reactionary and violent as George W. Bush, and in some ways he is worse. His personal speciality is the use of Hellfire missile-armed drones against defenceless people. Under cover of a partial withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, he has sent US special forces to 120 countries where death squads are trained. He has revived the old cold war on two fronts: against China in Asia and with a “shield” of missiles aimed at Russia. The first black president has presided over the incarceration and surveillance of greater numbers of black people than were enslaved in 1850. He has prosecuted more whistleblowers – truth-tellers – than any of his predecessors. His vice-president, Joe Biden, a zealous warmonger, has called WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange a “hi-tech terrorist”. Biden has also converted to the cause of gay marriage.

'One of America’s true heroes is the gay soldier Bradley Manning, the whistleblower alleged to have provided WikiLeaks with the epic evidence of American carnage in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was the Obama administration that smeared his homosexuality as weird, and it was Obama himself who declared a man convicted of no crime to be guilty...' [John Pilger]

On Aug 21, 2012, at 4:13 PM, Jenifer Cartwright <jencart13 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Pls help if you agree that an Obama second term would be tons less scary than than a Romney first. 
> --- On Mon, 8/20/12, Champaign County Health Care Consumers <cchcc at healthcareconsumers.org> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> As we approach the Presidential General Elections on November 6, Champaign
> County Health Care Consumers (CCHCC) is gearing up to get out the vote
> through voter registration and voter education - AND WE NEED YOUR HELP!...

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