[Peace-discuss] Tell Jim Lehrer to ask about Money in Politics at the 1st Debate

Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 29 14:23:12 UTC 2012

Worth yr attention and action. --Jenifer
---- Original message ----

From: Matt Palevsky, unPAC.org [mailto:unPAC at unitedrepublic.org]

Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 9:57 AM



Thanks for signing the letter calling on Jim Lehrer to ask the presidential candidates to discuss the issue of big money in politics during the first Presidential Debate on October 3rd. This is our rare chance to ensure that the candidates publicly address
 how they would tackle our system of legalized bribery. 

Help amplify our message by asking three friends to sign this letter to Jim Lehrer. We've included an email you can send at the bottom of this email.


Matt Palevsky


Peter Schurman

Free Speech For People


Sample email you can forward widely:


I just signed a letter urging the presidential debate’s moderator, PBS’ Jim Lehrer, to force both candidates to confront the issue of big money in politics. Our petition will be hand-

delivered in less than 48 hours, and with enough signatures we can send a powerful message that changes the focus of the debate. Obama and Romney will have to explain how they would fix our current system of legalized bribery.

Will you join me in signing this urgent letter to Jim Lehrer?


Big money and special interests have a stranglehold on our democracy. We can’t address important issues ranging from healthcare to debt reduction until we solve the problem of big money controlling and corrupting our system. We must reduce the enormous amount
 of influence that a tiny group of moneyed interests holds over our elections. It’s time to take the power back. Please join me by signing your name to this letter.



United Republic, Purpose, and Rootstrikers have partnered to form unPAC.org, an incubator for campaigns that shed light on big special interests and the politicians they corrupt.
 Together, we are building an unprecedented movement to get big money out of politics.

Find us on Facebook and




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