[Peace-discuss] News from Neptune…

Brussel, Morton K via Peace-discuss peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
Wed Jul 23 23:46:39 EDT 2014

I’ve listened to this program, and come to the conclusion that you all, the three participants, agree with each other too much, as if everything that is said between you is unchallengeable. It is not. Especially annoying is the seeming worship of the god Chomsky, who (I think) is losing his way on important issues, especially with regard to the desirable two state solution in Israel-Palestine.  I would rather defer here to Ilan Pappe. Chomsky is doing a disservice to those trying, e.g., via BDS, to punish the Israelis as long as they oppress the Palestinians.  There is even the implication that BDS could only lead to a neoliberal result in »Palestine », as it has in S.A.  There are other facets of the remarks that are less than clear or convincing, some bordering on boilerplate in its repetitiousness, IMO. For example, as to who is wagging whose tail, U.S. or Israel; the issue is more complex than statements that the U.S. is more responsible for Israel’s actions than Israel itself, which borders on nonsense.

But withal, the program is stimulating, worthwhile, and on the whole admirable.


On Jul 23, 2014, at 8:54 PM, 'C. G. Estabrook' carl at newsfromneptune.com<mailto:carl at newsfromneptune.com> [sftalk] <sftalk at yahoogroups.com<mailto:sftalk at yahoogroups.com>> wrote:


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