[Peace-discuss] Tackling homelessness and why you can't trust the duopoly

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Sat Aug 1 19:06:34 UTC 2020

I wrote:
> Lee Camp (host of "Redacted Tonight") spoke about the coming eviction crisis in 
> https://invidio.us/watch?v=nsf_o0LqcvU -- as rent and eviction moratoriums end (with 
> no federal rent forgiveness in sight) and people lose their jobs thus making it less 
> likely to be able to pay back rent since March, there is a general expectation that 
> lots of people won't be able to pay their rent at the end of this month. Therefore 
> there will be lots of evictions and the homeless population will increase:

More on this from Jimmy Dore in https://invidio.us/watch?v=LmvGqbayMN4 or 

In this segment, Jimmy Dore points to multiple articles on this topic and he puts his 
advice in the context of not supporting the people currently in charge in both major 


> Jimmy Dore: "New Orleans officials brace for evictions and uptick in homeless with
> Federal Aid ending". We're just going to kick people out in the streets in 
> America! That's their plan! That's Nancy Pelosi's plan, that's Donald Trump's 
> plan. That's Joe Biden's plan.
> [Reading from the WDSU.com article]
> Families across Louisiana are bracing for the inevitable.
> The final protection for tenants will end August 24th, and the additional Federal
> Unemployment is set to end July 31st. Advertisement
> "Louisiana is one of three states in the entire country where in the next few 
> months it is estimated a third of our residents will not be able to make mortgage
> or a house payment, said Andreanecia Morris, the Executive Director of Housing 
> Jimmy Dore [speaking extemporaneously]: We're still in a pandemic and they're
> evicting people after they closed down everyone's businesses. They didn't do this
> in other countries. This isn't happening in other countries. [Where is] this
> happening? The United States. Not happening in other countries, happening here.
> Why? Because people keep telling you to vote for Democrats. Because people are a
> bunch of fucking gutless pricks who won't do what's right; because we don't have a
> government in our country that represents people and people keep telling you to
> keep voting for them and then they pretend that they're progressives. They're
> not. They're go-along party hacks. Anybody telling you to vote Democrat is a
> goddamn go-along party hack. Because that ain't working. Do you see what's
> happening? People are having to chain themselves to courtroom doors[1] because
> they know what's coming and they know that [Nancy] Pelosi and Joe Biden ain't
> gonna help them one goddamn bit.

[1] Referring to https://nitter.net/wdsu/status/1288889594348412935 or 

> Dore: This is what's called a 'failed state' [...] Bernie Sanders won't even
> fucking scream for you right now. What Bernie Sanders is doing is telling you to
> shut up and vote for Joe Biden. That's what he's doing: 'you'd be irresponsible if
> you didn't vote for a guy who promises not to help you'. What every person who's in
> power should be doing who cares about anyone should be making demands of the
> government and saying you shouldn't vote for anybody who's not going to give you
> Medicare for All. You shouldn't vote for anybody who's not going to give you a UBI
> in the middle of shutting down your business. They gave $5 trillion to the richest
> 1,000 people in the country and you know what they gave you? Nothing. They're
> gonna kick you out of your house. That's right. And who's doing it? Nancy Pelosi.
> Who's doing it? Joe Biden. Who's doing it? Donald Trump. Who's doing it? Mitch
> McConnnell. It's bipartisan screwing.

Then Jimmy Dore played https://invidio.us/watch?v=FqRNnIMDkUY (or 
https://youtube.com/watch?v=FqRNnIMDkUY) which is Lawrence O'Donnell in  clip from 
the Ralph Nader documentary "An Unreasonable Man"

> Lawrence O'Donnell: If you want to pull the party, the major party, that is
> closest to the way you're thinking to what you're thinking, you must, you /must/
> show them that you're capable of not voting for them. If you don't show them
> you're capable of not voting for them, they don't have to listen to you. I promise
> you that. I worked within the Democratic Party. I didn't listen or have to listen
> to anything on the Left while I was working in the Democratic Party because the
> Left had nowhere to go.

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