[Peace-discuss] Message from Ajamu Baraka

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 2 15:17:39 UTC 2020

Ajamu Baraka <https://www.facebook.com/ajamu.baraka?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDwuBhTCbwaPzdkzZdX2HVrGr4glKvIQT_HA_Obl3z1ay-uJVdXYYC92DDaT7AqydXjHdCeKnmKrAbo&hc_ref=ARRJMunCErYLPmTH8gUOjWDNkfTLlaFQ3Y3F-0_TLQV4c7-kw6r_t_caczJRkBBp060&fref=nf>
1h <https://www.facebook.com/ajamu.baraka/posts/10158454139959513> · 
Let's be clear: The democrat party, like the republican party, is a party committed to white supremacy and imperialist domination of the planet. Neither Black Lives or any other lives mean anything to the interests of capital, so drop the BS. Corporations, the bourgeois media and the state appear to be in full collaboration in trying to use Black lives matter slogan to de-politicize and de-radicalize the capitalist/imperialist systemic crisis. That attempt must be rejected. If anyone is framing this moment as one concerned only with something called racial justice, not in full opposition to capitalism, is silent on U.S. warmongering, believes that the repressive state apparatus will be tamed through voting and that Biden and democrats represent a marked departure from the agenda of white supremacist imperialist domination domestically and internationally - you are hearing someone who is confused, an opportunist or an outright collaborator who is legitimizing the state and sheepdogging the people into reformism.
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