[Peace-discuss] [Peace] Ridiculous praise for John Lewis

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 6 14:07:11 UTC 2020


I’m re-posting my previous statement as it was when cutting and pasting by FB links.

Local Prof. Sundiata Cha Jua: 

"We’ve been quiet and had chosen not to comment on John Lewis but the arch criminal neoliberal Bubba the bigot Clinton does not get a pass to attack Kwame Ture.
> Why do Black people not see this racist for who he is? The Clinton years were the fourth and fifth Reagan terms.
> The best we can say is that Lewis was a fighter, a stubborn warrior who held his ground—non-violent integrationism—in subservience to a degenerate racist capitalist empire. Lewis could not be moved by the evidence of the worsening conditions of our people, he was immune to new knowledge, he stubbornly stayed stuck in a 1963 dream despite living proof that it was really a nightmare. He stubbornly refused to move to 1966 let alone 2016.
> Kwame had his faults but stubborn refusal to make strategic adjustments to new situations was not one of them. America and Negro liberals can and should honor Lewis, he was a defiant warrior for their causes, not so much for us Black folk who desire to right the first wrong, the taking of our human right to self-determination.”

>  Paul Streets article in Counterpunch: 
> https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/08/05/misleaders-at-a-funeral-bill-clinton-and-barack-obama-eulogizing-racial-justice-in-the-name-of-john-lewis/?fbclid=
> I also recommend Ajamu Baraka of the Black Alliance for Peace, and the Black Agenda Report where many African American activists write and express their opinions.

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