[Peace-discuss] Recommended videos for AOTA & NFN timeslots

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Thu Aug 13 01:14:42 UTC 2020

Videos I recently sent to UPTV's Jason Liggett for playing during AOTA & NFN timeslots.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=iCEEFaP39K0 -- (28m 8s) Chris Hedges interviews Greg 
Palast on voter fraud and stealing elections.

Transcript: https://www.rt.com/shows/on-contact/497436-voter-fraud-greg-palast/

The majority of this interview concerns how the Republicans are fixing the voting 
system against likely Democratic Party voters, thereby illegally and unethically 
increasing the odds of a Republican win. Palast says that this was behind Trump's 
2016 win against Hillary Clinton and Palast cites uncounted votes in Michigan as an 

I'm recommending this interview despite one glaring problem with Palast's analysis: 
the Democrats don't give us evidence that they care about losing in this way. I don't 
concur with Palast's race-based explanation for why the Congressional Black Caucus 
(nor, apparently, other "progressive" Democrats) won't raise election problems as an 
issue. We got 4+ years of Russiagate and virtually no election irregularity analysis. 
Perhaps both arms of the business party are working well enough as-is regardless of 
which party wins, so there's no hurry to look out for the disenfranchised.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=Xpq4SNJNcmA -- (5m 10s) "Western media's favorite 'Hong 
Kong activist' is US regime-changer in yellowface" -- are "Kong Tsung-gan" and "Xun 
Yuezang" pseudonyms for Brian Kern? Grayzone highlights some connections which "would 
mean that Brian Kern is Kong Tsung-gan in yellowface" (as Grayzone put it at 2m38s in 
this report).

Report: https://thegrayzone.com/2020/08/08/hong-kong-western-media-yellowfacing-amnesty/

https://youtube.com/watch?v=oEcuygrqTSE -- (14m 40s) "Twitter spreads nonstop US 
gov't paid propaganda, while falsely claiming it bans state media ads"

Report: https://thegrayzone.com/2020/08/10/twitter-us-state-media-ads-voa-persian/

https://youtube.com/watch?v=qhNXrwRL5Ic -- (38m 56s) "US gov regime-change plot in 
Nicaragua exposed"

Lee Fang/Intercept

https://youtube.com/watch?v=AGplYzKYgyQ -- (1h 21m 39s) "Covid strengthens ruling 
class grip on the U.S." (Lee Fang sitting in for Glenn Greenwald)

Jimmy Dore -- sequential segments of Dore's 2020-08-11 interview with Max Blumenthal

https://youtube.com/watch?v=4uEGmRgBHvQ -- (10m 47s) "It's a Big Club & We Ain't In 
It!" on how the Democrats are running an ad which misrepresents George Carlin's 
routine, and how the Democrats and Republicans both mistreat girls and women.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=kzuA3fjTUg0 -- (20m 6s) "Biden Pick His VP -- KAMALA Is A 

https://youtube.com/watch?v=wlDXJbdkOas -- (15m 50s) "Kamala & Biden's Endless Circle 
of Hypocrisy!"

Consortium News

https://youtube.com/watch?v=iRGEp5_QX0Q -- (9m 5s) "Former Guardian Journalist Nick 
Davis: Crimes in the Afghan War Logs"

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