[Peace-discuss] Good electoral analysis courtesy of BlackAgendaReport.com

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Tue Aug 18 23:05:24 UTC 2020

Here's a video I'm planning to recommend running during either AOTA or NFN from 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsdUc0jY5CM -- (39m 44s) Left Lens episode 4: 
BlackAgendaReport.com's Margaret Kimberley & Danny Haiphong discuss "Why Trump Can 
Still Win and Why We Must Oppose U.S.' New Cold War Against China"

This series is turning out to be a very interesting show, particularly if you've 
already come to appreciate the kind of reportage from BlackAgendaReport.com. I 
recommend watching this video if you're looking for some sound analysis on:

- How Biden (contrary to polling and establishment media propaganda) could lose this 
election, and why.

- Biden offers the American people nothing they want and need: Medicare for All, a 
national jobs program, or a UBI.

- Pointing out the illogic of calling Trump 'the most dangerous president ever' while 
the Democrats go along with giving Trump everything he wants (and more, in the case 
of war spending).

- Kimberley is one of very few people admitting what I too have found to be true: the 
Democrats don't care if Trump wins. This is why the Dems offer the public nothing (as 
Biden has said, "Nothing would fundamentally change" under a Pres. Biden per 
among multiple other establishment media reports).

- Tying together voter suppression (and how the Democratic party doesn't care about 
this voter suppression) and evidence-free allegations of foreign election 
interference (Russiagate expanding to include China and Iran) into a Biden loss/Trump 
win boils down to laying down excuses early for a perceived Dem loss.

- Problems for "the Left" in their silence against the new Cold War against China. 
Discussion includes debunking distractions about how China (which seems to 
consistently be phrased as "the Communist Chinese Party" in establishment media) will 
'get your data' while never acknowledging that the NSA/CIA (US government) has that 
data as a direct result of ongoing spying. We know more of this spying, in detail, 
thanks to whistleblowers including Ed Snowden, and reportage from WikiLeaks. Funny 
how that entire spying debate went from dismissing truth-tellers as 'tin foil hat' 
crazies to not debating the veracity of the claims at all because we have good 
evidence of how the NSA staff talk to each other, the CIA documentation of their 
spying work, and we can see reaction to countermeasures from small businesses[1]. We 
rightly dismiss anyone who doesn't take the NSA, CIA, and private firms (Apple, 
Microsoft, Qualcomm, etc.) ability to spy on people seriously.


[1] I'd list IBM's latest POWER CPU change among these: POWER revisions 8 and 9 came 
with free software firmware (software which determines how the chipset behaves) and 
that choice made POWER CPUs very interesting to anyone seeking a fully-free software 
system. When IBM released POWER 10 (which just happened) the same organizations who 
were selling POWER 8/9 system now tell us that POWER 10 systems won't come from them. 
This change is likely because the resellers can't deliver the same software freedom 
under POWER 10 that they built their business on under POWER 8 and 9 CPUs. 
Proprietary software is spying-friendly, free software is not spying-friendly.

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