[Peace-discuss] Biden: “It’s not whether he apologized or not, it’s the policy”

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 14:49:54 UTC 2020

“It’s not whether he apologized or not, it’s the policy,” Mr. Biden said,
accusing Mr. Bloomberg of discounting concerns raised by the Obama


What crucial event took place in the United States Senate in October 2002
to which these words forcefully spoken by Joe Biden on national TV last
night must now justly be applied?

If Bloomberg isn't going to be let off the hook with a fake apology for
stop-and-frisk - and he shouldn't be, unless we want to set a precedent
that Dems are basically ok with racial and religious profiling - why would
we agree that Joe Biden be let off the hook with a fake apology for his
crucial role in enabling the Iraq war?

Why do we do Holocaust education? Why do we read slave narratives?

Because there's a difference between a glance and a long look.

Because we're trying to stop these crimes from happening again in the

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