[Peace-discuss] Demonstration at politicians' homes tomorrow -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_wwjCTTq4U -- peoplesparty.org has info

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Fri Jul 10 21:08:51 UTC 2020

See Nick Brana's interview with Jimmy Dore:


Information on tomorrow's protests:
https://archive.md/utl0b (a Javascript-free snapshot)

Tomorrow, 2020-07-11, there are a series of marches to demand a "People's Stimulus" 
to demand money and services for people.

Here's the list of demands Brana said in the aforementioned interview:
- Medicare for All
- A Universal Basic Income
- Cancelling rent & mortgage payments through the duration of the crisis
- Keeping people on payroll
- Defunding police and moving those funds back to social services
- Cancelling debt payments like student debt and credit card debt

According to Jimmy Dore in the interview:
- 1 in 4 New York City tenants haven't paid rent since March.
- 32% of US families missed July's house payments.
- 23,000,000 in the United States face eviction by September.
- The CARES Act enacted a 120-day eviction moratorium which ends on July 25th (which 
means delaying paying rent until after the moratorium, not forgiving for unpaid rent)
- The boost to unemployment benefits also stops at the end of the month (2020-07-31)
- There are 20,000,000 people out of work.
- Nancy Pelosi's Democrats (including "The Squad") and Sens. Sanders & Warren voted 
for the CARES Act which added trillions to the economy (most of which has already 
gone to the wealthiest businesses and wealthiest people) and the banks have the power 
to add unlimited more money.


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