[Peace-discuss] Suggested AOTA/NFN shows

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Tue Jul 21 03:27:15 UTC 2020

Here are more videos which I've suggested to run during the AWARE on the Air and News 
from Neptune timeslots. I've also asked that if someone else has something else to to 
run please prioritize their suggestions above mine.



Consortium News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7M41Nbtp5Y -- (1h 10m) "NOT IN OUR NAME: The 
Psychological Torture of Julian Assange" film about Julian Assange's case, Assange's 
isolation, imprisonment, and torture. Followed by discussion with Director John Furse 
and Nils Melzer, UN Rapporteur on Torture. Very highly recommended viewing.

If you want to run the film alone, run https://youtu.be/xvR4dpz6LS4 instead (24 
minutes). It's a higher quality copy than the one with the discussion, but the 
discussion is good.

Jimmy Dore

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3IUV-4Y8mc -- (8m 02s) Why young black voters 
reportedly don't want to vote for 2020 Democratic Party nominee Sen. Joe Biden. A 
very good concise review of Biden's policies which would give anyone cause to not 
vote for the Democrats.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK0k1BMUxl4 -- (7m 41s) "DEMOCRATS Prevent Trump 
Withdrawing Troops From Afghanistan!"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBQ6ihQPsDU -- (4m 51s) Nancy Pelosi's corrupt 
bailout for her husband's business and how politicians profit while most people are 
told to "calm down" and wait for their bailout (which never comes) as they suffer 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUQPUHSlquA -- (5m 02s) "The Reality of America -- A 
Tale of Two Economies!" on two events that happened in the same day: the Dow Jones 
breaks 29,000 for the first time, and a man robbed a pharmacy and left a note saying 
"I'm sorry, I have a sick child". As Jimmy Dore concluded, "It's almost as if the 
Wall Street doesn't reflect the real economy.".

Black Agenda Report

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ4kCnbxy6s -- (36m19s) "Left Lens episode 2: Free 
Speech Against Black Lives" on the limits of allowable debate including calling out 
those who are credited as being "on the left" or "progressive" but are really for 
restricting speech that doesn't echo an establishment narrative, highlighting those 
whose struggle are left behind (even a mention of Steven Salaita and his firing plus 
subsequent difficulty finding a job in academia), the Democrats (kneeling in Kente 
cloth), NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio being photographed painting the street just outside 
Trump Tower with "BLACK LIVES MATTER" while not (and probably in an effort to avoid) 
changing police policy.

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