[Peace-discuss] My response to Danielle Chynoweth

David Green davidgreen50 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 14:43:50 UTC 2020

Danielle recently charged AWARE with "patriarchy" on the AWARE FB page.
This led to a heated exchange. My basic comment in response to here is
below, and I stand by it.  DG

You live in a fantasy world of victimization. If someone challenges you on
your exalted self-image, and calls you on your slanders, you then accuse
them of being sexist, or patriarchal. I've always found you to be
impersonal, condescending, and strangely detached from ordinary human
connection. You are a raging narcissist, and you depend on having people
around you who conform to your expectations of exaltation and obedience.
That's not sexism on my part. That's calling a narcissist a narcissist, and
I could probably call you worse, especially after the whole IMC post office
fiasco. Yes, I'm sure you organized intensively for months. Just like
Barack Obama in Chicago. What a sick joke.
And of course, you pick up your toys and go crying home, taking your
supplicants with you. How predictable.
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