[Peace-discuss] Jimmy Dore put Nancy Pelosi's solo nomination to remain House Speaker into proper context

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Fri Nov 20 04:28:09 UTC 2020

https://youtube.com/watch?v=2ndlY1VK3V4 -- (14m 37s) Nancy Pelosi nominated to be 
House Speaker again by Democrats.

Pelosi ran unopposed for House Speaker, so the outcome was clear. The vote was, 
shamefully, a voice vote. As Jimmy Dore said:

> Voting for a progressive inside the Democratic Party is a fool's errand. 
> Progressives inside the Democratic Party, the argument is they actually do more 
> damage because it gives the people the false impression that there's an opposition
> party in the United States and there isn't. Let's start a third party. Let's do
> this because voting Democrat -- we're all going to be dead by the time there's
> enough progressives to take over that party. It should happen about five years
> after we're all dead from climate change.
Other points made in the segment:

- Pelosi is a firm opponent of Medicare for All. Keep that in mind the next time you 
hear anyone telling you that they're a progressive running inside the Democratic 
Party: if they get into Congress they'll be changed just like every member of "the 
squad" has been. Dore referred to his recent interview with Rep. Ro Khanna 
(https://youtube.com/watch?v=tZeeGMeSUuo). Rep. Khanna (California's 17th district) 
voted for the CARES Act (which is the largest upward transfer of wealth in human 
history) and he put up no opposition to his party keeping Pelosi in power nor did he 
object to doing this via a voice vote.

- Voting for anyone who votes for Pelosi is voting against Medicare for All, no 
matter the rhetoric coming from the candidate. This is how Democrats can afford to 
write Medicare for All legislation, co-sign Medicare for All legislation, and know 
that they'll never be called upon to put their vote where their empty rhetoric is.

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