[Peace-discuss] Margaret Flowers.......

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 6 18:29:55 UTC 2020

Margaret Flowers <https://www.facebook.com/margaret.flowers.18?__cft__[0]=AZVlak_lKvAHERdVtgnjvbpAfcqZBKd73MVZYQ6cityydTF5hgM6mrnT_vFmE_Zr8wHkn6Et6KuL_QUqoXUUxkPxivyt-jjeO55Cxf62ITslAaJXGCAqTmEQRQKWjVS9kNJKWpyl59_kUA54Djw17gzh&__tn__=-UC%2CP-y-R>Kevin Zeese <https://www.facebook.com/kevin.zeese.1?__cft__[0]=AZVlak_lKvAHERdVtgnjvbpAfcqZBKd73MVZYQ6cityydTF5hgM6mrnT_vFmE_Zr8wHkn6Et6KuL_QUqoXUUxkPxivyt-jjeO55Cxf62ITslAaJXGCAqTmEQRQKWjVS9kNJKWpyl59_kUA54Djw17gzh&__tn__=-UC%2CP-y-R>
28m  · 
It is with a heavy heart that I announce the death of my greatest love, best friend and partner Kevin Zeese. We were so "in sync" as he used to say that we thought of ourselves as one and a dear friend referred to us as "Marvin." But the reality is that Kevin was the best man I have ever known. He cared for everyone and everything and he gave everything he had to try to help someone or change things for the better. I want you to know that he was not ill, not in the sense we knew anything was wrong. We had a wonderful day yesterday - we ate breakfast on the deck and talked about the garden and squirrels. We worked and then went for a bike ride to the park and had a picnic (something we had not actually done before in Baltimore). We joked around before we went to sleep so my last memory of him alive is laughing together. I treasure every moment I had with him and I hope that I can keep his spirit alive in some way. I am a better person for knowing Kevin and the world is a better place because he was in it. Rest in power my love.  We will hold a virtual event to honor him on Sept. 19 at 3:00 pm Eastern. Details to come. I want to thank everyone who reached out to me. Your love for Kevin gives me great happiness.
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