[Peace-discuss] Paul Krugman's "Americans took 9/11 pretty calmly" claim got some reactions

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Mon Sep 14 00:30:30 UTC 2020

https://unlimitedhangout.com investigative reporter Whitney Webb and Jimmy Dore have 
both commented on Paul Krugman's recent series of tweets.

Paul Krugman wrote multiple posts starting with 
https://nitter.snopyta.org/paulkrugman/status/1304385740063805440 or 
https://twitter.com/paulkrugman/status/1304385740063805440 which reads:
> Overall, Americans took 9/11 pretty calmly. Notably, there wasn't a mass outbreak
> of anti-Muslim sentiment and violence, which could all too easily have happened.
> And while GW Bush was a terrible president, to his credit he tried to calm
> prejudice, not feed it 2/

Whitney Webb replied:
> Reason #467 why you should never believe anything Paul Krugman says

Jimmy Dore replied in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V9xZLXppgY which is worth 


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