[Peace-discuss] Alexei Navalny news: interview with him in Russian prison, description of who he is and why the US establishment favors him

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Tue Apr 6 22:02:33 UTC 2021

https://youtube.com/watch?v=gBYSq-KYs5I -- "RT visits prison where Navalny claims his 
medical care has been withheld" including a revealing interview with Alexei Navalny 
by Maria Butina, the woman the US jailed on a relatively minor FARA (foreign agents 
registration act) violation.[1]

Who is Alexei Navalny? The Grayzone has a report on him: 
https://youtube.com/watch?v=UJX9pmr1I3E -- (56m 11s) "For Russian leftists, Western 
favorite Navalny represents same corrupt elitism".

[1] I say "minor" here not because Butina's punishment was minor, it wasn't, but 
because there are other foreign agents who aren't pressured to comply with FARA 
registration to the point of having their Capitol credentials taken away from them. 
The BBC and CBC are far more compliant to US establishment wishes and, accordingly, 
their staff aren't forced into registration like RT's staff were. For a time, RT's 
Capitol credentials were denied to RT. And, as Lee Camp, host of RT's "Redacted 
Tonight", tells us in every recent episode of his show, "This is the show where 
Americans in America covering American news are called foreign agents".

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