[Peace-discuss] Why Jimmy Dore, Grayzone, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, et al aren't invited on MSNBC or CNN

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Sat Apr 24 20:20:22 UTC 2021

 From the Jimmy Dore show last night:

https://youtube.com/watch?v=IGx45OjCjC8 -- (16m 20s) "MSNBC Contributor Goes Off The 
Rails" about how the pro-war propagandist Jennifer Rubin is an exemplar for why real 
journalists (who challenge American wars) aren't invited on MSNBC & CNN. This helps 
explain Dore's repeated references to "having an MSNBC contract".

In other clips (particularly during the live show where one would need a Patreon 
subscription to see them outside of the live show) Dore has multiply admitted that if 
he were offered the money MSNBC show hosts are offered to do pro-war work, he'd take 
that money and do the same work other MSNBC hosts do. But until that kind of offer 
comes along he'll spend his time exposing and debunking the people who get those offers.

Sadly this Jimmy Dore clip cannot be played on UPTV because of the use of the term 
"shitlib" (a portmanteau of the words 'shitty liberal', I believe) among other words 
we can't air on UPTV even though the points made are proper material for AWARE on the 
Air highlighting the difference between the war news you get from establishment 
sources and the war news you get from non-establishment sources.


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