[Peace-discuss] My response to a question related to my previous posting.

karen aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 15 19:32:35 UTC 2021

A  question often  asked. Does the American Empire deserve to survive,  certainly not, but sadly when it falls it takes everyone with it, not  the wealthy, ruling elites, but the poor, the average working class etc.  All the animals, all that nature has created. We see the destruction of  some of the most beautiful forests known to man across Oregon, from the  forest fires, all the wildlife suffering and dying horrifically. 

To  answer the question, it's not a matter of morality, or individuals  deserving to live or die it's not a matter of whether the option of a  better world is possible if we pursue it. 

We know that "man," has the  capacity to develop, create, and do better, and we should never give up  pursuing that option. Giving in to despair should never be an option. 

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