[Peace-discuss] Why Glenn Greenwald and Jimmy Dore go on Tucker Carlson's FOX show and more on the importance of the Assange persecution

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Sun Dec 12 20:55:19 UTC 2021

Released segments of a recent Jimmy Dore interview with Glenn Greenwald from 2021-12-11
https://youtube.com/watch?v=7-mjCEPW1LQ -- (34m 42s) MSNBC’s Non-Stop Lying About 
Julian Assange
https://youtube.com/watch?v=RgOJR_S7TqQ -- (25m 55s) US & UK Destroying Assange & 
Press Freedom

I recommend watching both of the above clips in their entirety and the links provided 
below as well. Sadly, swearing prevents me from recommending these Jimmy Dore 
segments to UPTV which (as far as I know) still won't run segments where people speak 
freely and as adults typically do particularly on matters of great importance, such 
as the continuing torture and imprisonment of Julian Assange.

Around 18m into https://youtube.com/watch?v=7-mjCEPW1LQ you can see and hear Glenn 
Greenwald discuss with Jimmy Dore how establishment media handles discussing Julian 
Assange -- largely they don't talk about Assange at all (and, although it doesn't 
come up in the Dore/Greenwald discussion, establishment media has to be pushed into 
giving any kind of response about Assange). As evidence for this point, you can see 
how the BBC (state-funded UK establishment media outlet) handled Azerbaijan President 
Ilham Aliyev "pushed back" (as they say) against a BBC interviewer (a clip which you 
can find in https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1469395830876553219 among other 
posts) where Greenwald wrote:

> Ilham Aliyev, the president of Azerbaijan, is an authoritarian, but he's also
> right that no western journalist has any right or credibility to assume a position
> of moral superiority about press freedom attacks given what the US/UK are doing to
> Assange.

Greenwald explains the recent US government win with the UK High Court in not only 
reversing the previous ruling on not extraditing Assange to the US (because Assange's 
health is so fragile that it is feared that Assange might commit suicide) but keeping 
Assange in Belmarsh Prison (a maximum security UK prison) while his legal proceedings 
play out. It was recently revealed that Assange suffered a transient ischemic attack 
(a "ministroke" per the following URL) on October 27 (says https://on.rt.com/bmxm 
referring to the Daily Mail interview with Assange's fiancee Stella Moris).

We better understand the continuing effort to keep Assange in prison from Greenwald's 
recent publications:

> Democrats want Assange imprisoned for life because his 2016 reporting reflected
> poorly on Hillary and the DNC and, they think, helped Trump.
> Democrats are complete authoritarians: craving the imprisonment of journalists who
> oppose them. They're everything they claimed Trump was.



Greenwald also puts into context the value of not personifying structural opposition; 
don't believe that if we could retire or replace the right people in power that we'd 
be better off. The problems we often face are structural and best understood by 
analyzing that structure and acting to challenge and work around that structure. This 
is often easier said than done. The coordinated attacks on Alex Jones' social media 
accounts were met with a shrug by so many on the authoritarian left because the 
authoritarian left refused to look at that case as anything but asking each other "Do 
you agree with or like Alex Jones?" which is not the relevant question at all. While 
the specific charges facing Assange don't mention the DNC email leaks, the DNC email 
leaks were embarassing & damaging to the DNC and the DNC email leaks help us 
understand why the Democrats still pursue keeping Assange in prison, any prison, today.

So I ask if you're going to respond to any of this claiming something critical about 
the coverage Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson (see 
https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1469301908598931457 for more on this or the 
above interview with Dore), et al provide on the Assange matter please back up your 
claims with sources. Ad hominem responses (where you tacitly admit that you won't 
discuss the matter on its merits but you instead go against someone advocating for 
freeing Assange) aren't helpful but deserve source citations as well. And be prepared 
to meet a challenge explaining away so many other people who agree with freeing 
Assange (see https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1469350801332125698 for a list of 
Greenwald's tweets listing some of the notable people) because Assange did the 
journalism that make the establishment look like the compliant, docile PR repeaters 
that they are.

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